Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have this morning ritual that supports me for my day.  I quietly get up at 4:45am, put my workout clothes on, brush my teeth, take my daily vitamins with "Fired up", (it's an orange flavored powder with vitamin B) and since my hubby is still sleeping, silently read the Four Agreements 'Gratitude Prayer' fill my water bottle and then off to the gym.

This morning my trainer had me work on new core exercises that I have never done before.  One exercise was using a HUGE yellow ball, where I lie on it, place one leg up over my knee and balance on the one leg that is on the floor, holding position.  Now when I saw my trainer do it, it looked easy, peasy and simple. 
OH MY LORD - NO.  I could not balance on one leg for more than 5 seconds. Switched to the other leg, the more difficult side . . Uggghhhhh.  However round two, I was able to balance a couple seconds longer.
Inside my head I was thinking, "you're not trying hard enough." "if Rhonda can do it, why can't you."  I was getting frustrated with myself.  Then that little voice in my head said, gosh, you work out every day,  "why can't you do this simple exercise?" 
After the workout, Rhonda praised me and acknowledged how far I got with each core exercise and then preceded to say "these are advanced core exercises."
I felt a little better inside, yet immediately thought, I need to practice more to build my core muscles.  "I want to get this."
So then I thought I have to share this with my community and how it applies to "the heart of your business"  Your business finances are the core muscle that communicates to you when your business is on track.  Our core mucles are what hold us upright, and the core muscle of your business, finances is what is able to hold your business strong and grow. Such as revenue, profit, and cash.  Creating a solid organized foundation is about building a muscle.
A solid organized financial foundation is like our bodies, a communication tool.  It guides you to tell you what is needed.  Build revenue, increase prices, and/or decrease expenses to increase the bottom line.
I have learned it takes time and persistence to learn a new exercise, build strength in my core.  DARN IT . . .There is no magic pill for results to magically appear to build body strength or brain smarts with business finances.
What can you do? . . be gentle with YOU.  . with patience and persistence.  Practice, practice, practice each day, as if you are going to the gym of finance, and take baby steps.  Challenge yourself to learn something new every day. This finance stuff can get so serious and stuffy, so have some fun with it.
Each step you take is a success.  And share your successes each day with someone, a friend, mastermind colleague, even me, I would LOVE to celebrate with you . d.rosenfelt@cfomadeeasy.com. and acknowledge out loud to yourself.
So, I ask, what is to be tickled with the heart of your business?
And I can't let you go without a homework assignment.  . . for today  -  Create two colorful 2012 folders, with your favorite picture on it or colorful design.  . have some fun and be creative.  One for income receipts and the second for expense receipts.   
Here's to a colorful, sparkly, solid organized financial foundation.

Warmly - Your Chief Heart Officer - Debbie Rosenfelt

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