Friday, March 16, 2012


Friday's story to inspire share a few insights from Bob Proctor.  I appreciate Bob's philosophy to learn, study, explore and practice life, everyday.  When I received that belief download, the light bulb clicked and I GOT IT!!.  . When we see through the lens of practice and explore we allow ourselves to be with where we are we give ourselves permission to not struggle.

One aspect I would LOVE for you to walk away with today, allow yourself to explore, learn, study and practice EVERYDAY, without making yourself wrong.  Our minds, yours and mine, defined success for us.  We now have the opportunity to redefine success and you do that by exploring, learning, through study and practice.

Today is Finance Friday,(my one day a week I work on my finances) now GET out there, practice organizing and updating your finances.  That first step is all you need.  One step, one moment, one day at a time.

Enjoy Friday's story to inspire!

 Focus on all the Reasons You Can Get What You Want

Ray Stanford entered my life when I was working in the fire hall in Toronto at age 26, exactly 50 years ago. I was earning $4,000 and I owed $6,000 and it never even entered my mind that I could get out of debt. He encouraged me to take an honest look at the results I was getting. He said "Bob, you keep talking about not having a formal education and using it as an excuse for getting poor results." He then said, "Those are only reasons why you're not getting what you want. Set those aside and start to focus on all the reasons you can get what you what." Then he gave me Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich.

He said, "Bob, if you will make the commitment to do exactly what this book says and exactly what I suggest, I'll help you change your life." I didn't really believe I could, but I believed he believed I could. And it was his belief in me that inspired me to begin to study. One year later, I was earning $175,000 a year and, from there, I took it to over a million a year. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I was beginning to realize a lot of the things that I had been thinking weren't true. I thought some people were lucky but others weren't. I was to find out that you and I have exactly the same potential.

Study, Study, Study

I then got a hold of Earl Nightingale's condensed narration of the Napoleon Hill book, Think And Grow Rich on a record. I began listening to that record every day. It was listening to Earl's voice and the information he was sharing that caused me to want to go to work with him. I moved my Family from Toronto to Chicago and joined the Nightingale-Conant Corporation. It was only after I got there that I realized I had a double win. I wasn't only going to work with Earl Nightingale - I would also work with Lloyd Conant. Earl and Lloyd became my 2 coaches. I loved working for them and I got an education that you couldn't buy. They literally originated the self help business in recorded fashion that we know today. In time, the Nightingale-Conant Corporation became the largest distributer of self help programs in the world, and I was working there with the people that originated it. Earl Nightingale taught me how to study. He said, "Don't just read the book, study i t. Attempt to understand the idea the author is attempting to communicate in each paragraph. To do that you might need to study that paragraph for a month."

Take the Lid Off Your Mind and Let it Soar

Lloyd Conant taught me to take the lid off my mind and let it soar. He said, "Bob, nothing is big or small, except our thinking makes it so. No one alive knows what we're capable of doing. Go after something big. Even if you miss, it can be exhilarating."

Know You Have a Magnificent Mind

It was there that I was introduced to Val Van De Wall. Val and I became great friends and he shared one idea with me that literally changed my life. It was a diagram of the mind. He explained we think in pictures but no one has ever seen the mind so when we think of it, we become confused. There is no order in the mind. A doctor friend of his came up with the original drawing. I refer to it as the Stick Person and I've shared it with people all over the world. If I were to be coaching you, I'd teach it to you.

Val introduced me to his coach, Dr. Harry Roder. Harry knew more about the mind than anyone I'd ever met. I'd spent countless hours with him and I began to understand exactly how the mind functions. In fact, Dr. John Mike from Florida said I taught him more about the mind in 1 year than he had learned in 4 years of medical school and 5 years of psychiatric training. I found that interesting because I had merely taught him what Dr. Roder had taught me.

These 5 men helped me answer a huge question . how and why did my life change? Without any formal education, without any business experience, in less than 5 years, I built a company that operated in 7 cities and 3 different countries and I really didn't understand how I had done it. They taught me what I had changed and how I had accomplished what I had accomplished. It was this magnificent knowledge that triggered the enormous desire in me to teach this information to as many people as I could. But I had one big problem . I was quiet and shy.

Believe You Can Do What You Believe Others Can Accomplish

I was afraid to stand up and ask a question let alone stand up and teach. It was at that point in the late sixties at the Hyatt Hotel in Chicago that a man named Bill Gove walked out on a stage and literally captivated an audience of 500 people. Merely by sharing information with them, he had that audience in the palm of his hand. I stood there thinking, "If only I could do that, then I could teach what I've learned." But the thought of it scared the daylights out of me.
At that point, I flashed back in my mind to a recording of Earl Nightingale's that I had listened to a thousand times. He said, "Now right here we come to a rather strange fact. We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can accomplish, and for some equally strange reason we think other people can accomplish things that we cannot. I want you to understand that that is not true. You have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you that you can bring to the surface and achieve all that you desire."

If you had asked me if I'd understood it, I probably would've said, "Of course!" But here I was watching Bill Gove do something I thought I couldn't. It was at that point that I started hearing the recording in my head and I realized if Bill can do it, I can do it. I switched my thinking to, "If I could do that, I could help people all over the world change their life." And it suddenly dawned on me that we are capable of doing anything. I'm not going to just do that, I'm going to get the man on the stage, Bill Gove, to teach me. and he did. Today I'm able to do what he did and get on the stage and share this valuable information. Bill Gove and I remained friends for over 35 years until he passed away a few years ago.
Pass It Along

All of these men are gone but their legacy lives on, through me and all of the other people they helped. That's how my life changed. These people taught me to earn millions of dollars and invest it back into a business that has helped millions of people. These lessons have allowed me to help people who were in financial trouble become prosperous and companies that were struggling grow into viable organizations. Any way a person can be helped, I've seen it happen because the answers are within us. And, because of what these great men taught me, I was able to pass it along.

Bob Proctor

If Friday's story inspired you or not leave questions or comments below. 
If you need support with organizing your business finances or want to explore your DREAMS for your business, I see what is possible for your business through numbers.  Contact me for a 30 minute complimentary CFO Finance strategy call at

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chief Financial Heart Guidance - SEEKING & PRACTICING

Yesterday I read an article in the March issue of Science of Mind written by Barbara Leger who interviewed Dan Millman.  He wrote the book "The Four Purposes of Life."

I read every day, and each article, daily reading and/or book passage I read I usually receive a hit or an idea that can be applied to life, business and/or finances. 

Dan Millman's interview had a core fundamental value to consider in day to day life.  Here is a portion of what he had to share.
Seeking and Practicing
"Purpose, practice and peace  are like holographic images, entry points into the core issues of our lives.  the topic of practice centers around the ideas that we are each a H.I.T., a human-in-training, and that life is a lifelong practice."

I LOVE the idea that "we" .. i.e. each of us are a human-in-training.  SO TRUE!!  With every area of our lives. How upbeat the acronym  H.I.T. feels . . . the fact is, as a human-in-training the concept allows us to play, explore and be with whatever shows up in our lives.

The Barbara Leger interview continues, "What is the difference between 'seeking and 'practice' as it relates to living a purposeful life?" Millman responds, "the journey may indeed be more important than the destination, but without a destination to aim for, there is no journey - we only can wander." thus we seek.  We form an aim, an idea, and a mission (large or small). But seeking - having a goal, desire, intention, or wish -is only the first step. The mind provides the map; the body must make the journey.  Thinking about doing something is the same as not doing it."
How many times have you thought you made changes, because you mentally realized it must be done, but somehow still didn't do it.  Examples would be, creating a new habit to update business finances, shifting your subconscious around a new perspective, etc.
Millman continues, "In fact being a seeker can become a chronic condition - and the search can, in many cases, only reinforce the dissatisfaction that sent us seeking in the first place.  Practice provides the bridge (or stepping stones) between the map and the journey.  Practice reminds us that we are moving toward something and helps provide purpose.  And since we cannot control the outcomes, but only our efforts, we could say that practice itself is a form of success: moving in the direction of our dreams.  this is why I encourage people to DREAM BIG, but to start small - then to connect the dots.  One step, one moment at a time".
I highlight this in red to share the point of practicing and to encourage you to practice, practice, practice, play and explore with your business finances.  On a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  The act of practice, builds confidence, develops and allows exploration to try something new, and opens the door to ask questions.  All questions are good questions.
So what do you see is available here for you? 
What is next for you around business finances?

Is it to explore what is needed to get started?

Is your business growing so fast that you need to finally embrace the heart of finances, and you need to know what to do to get organized to file taxes?

Or is it to embrace growth, and you want to play to see and reveal what's possible?

I have this gift, to see Entrepreneurs and small business owners DREAMS through numbers.

So, I invite you to schedule a 30 minute complimentary finance strategy call with me to explore and see what your next step may be.  Here is the link to schedule your 30 minute financial strategy call. Complimentary 30 Minute CFO Finance Strategy Call
I look forward to connecting with you.  

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, March 9, 2012


Happy Friday Everyone - today's story is from an excerpt of a book.  The message resonated - conscious awareness that can be applied to everyday life and business finances.

Leave any comments or insights below.  Enjoy!!

(excerpt from an incredible new book "Flying High" by Calvin LeHew & Stowe Dailey Shockey)

I wanted a miracle. Now. Where was it? The truth was becoming painfully clear. I was not getting better. In fact, I was in bed for most of every day. The only times I left the house anymore were Monday mornings to meet with Calvin. My daily two-mile walks, a twenty-year routine, were no more. No more aerobics. No more weight lifting. Now I struggled just to sit in a chair. Lying down wasn't much better. And to top it all off, I had-under much protest-begun taking pain medicine.

Not surprisingly, I was also dealing with depression. I had tried everything, short of surgery, to bring about my healing. Yet here I was, getting worse by the day. Prayer, special diets, vibrational medicine, a plethora of pills, healers, hypnosis, flower essences, chemo, radiation, and positive thinking. Where had all of this gotten me?

I was losing hope. Who was I to think I could co-author a book on positive thinking? I was losing sight of everything, slipping into an abyss of pain. Up until recently, writing this book had been inspirational to me. Now, it was a burden. What was I going to do?

I stared down at Calvin's cassette tape on the coffee table in my sunroom. Winning Choices. It seemed to be mocking me. But since it was easier for me to transcribe a seminar than to write something new, I pushed the old cassette into the player. I needed some words of encouragement.

"I want to talk about conscious awareness," he began. "The definition of awareness is, 'The degree of clarity to which we perceive both consciously and unconsciously all the things that affect our lives.' "I used to ask myself, why aren't more people trying to get ahead and achieve more things? I think the answer is because they aren't consciously aware of the many things that affect their lives, and the many choices they have under their own control. They would rather stay in their familiar comfort zone.

"I've come to believe that it's okay for people to stay in their comfort zone . . . if they want to. Those people are either happy where they are, or they don't know or believe these principles about conscious choices.

"Here's something else that bothered me for a long time: Why didn't God build us with total conscious awareness to begin with? The answer is: We had to have total freedom to discover these things on our own, or we wouldn't be free. It couldn't have happened if we weren't free to fall down and be hurt. To be bored enough to learn new things. Or to take risks by faith and then succeed. What is faith without freedom to choose? The answer is in the Bible. And, by the way, the principles I live by are all in the Bible.

"Making choices is the key after becoming aware. Being aware of our choices. The choices you make-either consciously or unconsciously-are affecting your life. You are responsible for the choices you make. From the clothes you wear, to the dollars in your bank account, to your job, to where you live-these are all the result of choices you've made. You are either happy or sad because you choose to be.

"I chose the name Choices for our restaurant because of this, not because of the variety of foods . . . it was because of the importance of this concept. We have literally hundreds and thousands of choices every day, and most people don't even realize it.

"Most of us are content to stay in our comfort zones . . . we get stuck there. Part of the reason for this has to do with fear. It's scary to get out of your comfort zone. You've probably heard of people who stay in abusive marriages because they're afraid to change their situation-even though they don't like it, it's familiar.

"I understand this. I get comfortable too. But when I become aware of it, I try to pioneer out so I can experience something new.

"So many folks are unconscious of the fact they are stuck in habits, customs, old beliefs . . . How much of what we do is based on these routines? I'm not saying traditions are bad . . . Rituals are great, if we don't forget the meaning behind them. Christmas is great, as long as we don't forget why we celebrate it. But the routine of worrying-that's a destructive habit. Think about people you've known-maybe even yourself-unaware that doubt and worry control your life. Most of the time we're not even aware that we're unaware! We're oblivious to the fact that we have choices. But as your awareness increases, you become conscious that you are choosing where you are going.

"As I increase my awareness I begin to see, 'Gosh, I did allow that to happen to me. I did create that problem.' And I realize I am responsible for my situation . . . responsible for my actions. Responsible for the opportunities I didn't take advantage of. Responsible for the things I did and said.

I stared at the tape player and shifted in my chair.

"There was a time at Carter's Court when I almost lost everything. I got into alcohol-Jack Daniels. I started drinking around 5 o'clock in the evening. And it was all because I had fear. I almost gave up. Over the years I survived several plane crashes; I nearly cut my leg off with a chain saw. And I don't think these were accidents. I believe, on some level, that when we start giving up, we self-destruct. That's what I was doing. In many ways we create our own sickness . . .

"But, thank God, we have choices. And with that knowledge we can create the life we want. As children, our parents and teachers-the adults in our lives-make most decisions for us. We don't have much to say about what happens. When we grow up though, we become responsible for our own lives. Yet many of us still continue to let other people or circumstances make decisions for us, either consciously or unconsciously.

"Hopefully, what you'll get out of this message today is to start consciously choosing your life the way you want it. No doubt, most of us are in a comfort zone, but it's a great day to begin consciously making choices."

I clicked off the tape. I needed that reminder-I'm in control of my own choices. I'd made so many about my health over the last year and a half. Some good. Some not so good. Some were made from a place of love. Some from a place of fear. I could see that the choices made from fear-fear of surgery, for instance-were the reason for the shape I was in now.

Maybe, on some level, I was-like Calvin suggested-"giving up." He talked about "self-destructing." That made sense. But that thing he said about "creating our own sicknesses" had me puzzled.

I could understand how a person might choose to abuse their body by drinking too much alcohol or overeating. That kind of lifestyle could eventually lead to sickness or even death. And a person engaging in risky activities is also upping the ante that they'll be injured or killed. And those high-stress jobs some people have? Yes, they could certainly cause a heart attack.

I've known financially strapped men who made comments about having a heart attack, saying their families would be better off with the money from their life insurance policy. Maybe they were, on some level, either consciously or unconsciously, bringing that fate on themselves.

But did I really choose to have cancer? That was a hard one for me to buy into. Perhaps it was the result of past choices . . . who can say? But one thing was becoming clear: It was entirely up to me to decide how I would choose to-or not to-treat the cancer growing in me.

Calvin LeHew and Stowe Dailey Shockey
To get the full story you will want to read all of this incredible new book. Take a moment and click here to get your copy and get more information on these two authors.
Naomi Judd - Five time Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter had this to say about Flying High: A True Story of Shared Inspiration. "If you are struggling with adversity of any kind, whether sickness, financial, or just trying to figure out your purpose in this world, there's something precious in this story for you - a powerful dose of inspiration that will encourage you along your own journey... Flying High will put a song in your heart and take you soaring."
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Just a quick note - about 1099's again. 

I follow a few CPA's to access tax tip information for my business and my clients businesses.  So I thought I would pass on the information I recieved from Warren Taryle of Taryle and Associates.  He produces a newsletter with quick tax tip notices and tax deadlines.  If you would like to receive his tax tips, I have left the web-site link below.

"I just wanted to send you this quick e-mail, fresh off the presses, to let you know that the IRS has decided businesses will not be required to reconcile their gross receipts with merchant card transactions reported on Form 1099-K on their 2012 or future returns.

Steven T. Miller, IRS deputy commissioner for services and enforcement, said in writing to the National Federation of Independent Business that no reconciliation will be required on 2012 or future business tax returns.

We have been telling our clients whose businesses accept credit cards or other forms of electronic payments to separately track cash receipts from merchant card payments beginning this year, but now that requirement has been dropped by the IRS!

Our 2011 tax organizer still has the note on it saying that you need to begin to separately keep track of the revenue from credit cards but per this statement by Steve Miller; you do not need to do so.

Go ahead and do a little dance – it is ok to celebrate even small victories when it comes to the IRS!"

I hope this tip was valuable.  Please leave a comment or a recommendation of who to follow for business tax tips for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, March 2, 2012


I love reading the deeper message in each Friday story I receive.  I absorb more from a story, it really makes me think.  This week's leap was to create short videos to share quick tips. I tend to over think things, it's not right, I didn't say this right or I did that wrong.

ENOUGH already. How did I get over myself?

I tapped into a couple of my strong values, I know I love connecting with people and sharing knowledge. One of my strongest driving values is the Italian family connection value.  So I saw the video's as opening the door to connect with you, to share information and for you to meet the real person behind the PC.  I hope the tips have been valuable.

As you read this, reflect on what has been itching for you to take that leap.  Enjoy Friday's story.

Leap for New Opportunities

Callie, the little kitten we rescued from the brush, walked across the back of our sofa and looked anxiously at me. Her eyes were wide with anticipation. I slipped my hand under the blanket we use for naps. My fingers wiggled under the soft cloth. Callie prepared herself. Her furry bottom twitched. Callie swished her tail back and forth, as she focused on the moving blanket. I watched carefully, ready for her attack.

Callie twitched her rear end one last time, leapt into the air and with her paws spread like the wings of a bird, landed on the scary moving blanket. Armed with sharp claws and teeth, she fearlessly attacked the ferocious moving cloth. She sank her dagger sharp teeth and claws into fabric and shook her head to make sure she made the kill.

The blanket was not ready to give up. My hand, slightly protected by the blanket, fought back. Callie tumbled to the left, got a new grip on the evil blanket and was thrown to the right, where she landed on her back, but continued to do battle. The fight seemed to be over, but Callie did not give up. She withdrew her claws, ran to the end of the sofa and planned a new attack.

She dropped to the floor and watched the blanket from a new angle. Her eyes followed every movement it made. She waited for an opening in its defense and leapt on it again. She landed hard and gripped my hidden hand with a vengeance. Her claws and teeth pierced the fabric and my skin. I screamed and pulled my hand away.

Callie won! She always does.

I wish I had her fearlessness. Where would I be today, if I did what she does? I've looked at many scary moving blankets in my life. There were a few I had the courage leap on, like taking a new job in another city. Mostly, I've seen the blanket move and ran away, afraid of the challenge.

We saved Callie from a life of dumpster feeding and that little furry girl taught me a life lesson - have no fear! Accept the challenge. Leap for new opportunities.

Michael T. Smith
Michael lives in Caldwell, Idaho with his wonderful wife Ginny. He writes in his spare time and is completing a collection of his stories to be called, From My Heart to Yours. To read more of his stories, go to:

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today's CFO Tip is a book recommendation, Lower Your Taxes Big Time!  by Sand Botkin, a former IRS Attorney and Senior Law Tax Specialist.

We get to learn the secrets from an IRS insider 

His book is a guide of powerful tax advantages for the small business owner and entrepreneur.
I have been using his information for the last several years, it has been very helpful.  I recommend this book to all my clients.
Your next step, take action and get your copy today so you can take advantage of all the insider secrets from Sandy Botkin. Lower Your taxes BIG TIME!.
I hope this tip was helpful.  Leave your comments or questions below.  I would love to hear from you tips that would be helpful for you and your business.

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer