Saturday, April 21, 2012


Recently I was given another copy of the "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra.

Law #4 is the Law of Least Effort.
I noticed as I was reading the "Law of Least Effort"  I felt a knowing, a settling into a feeling of familiarity that I have experienced the law of least effort many times. then I thought . . . oooohhh. .  the law of least effort certainly does apply to managing business finances . .
This is not so much about "doing it", it is about a place of "being" a deeper underlying message.  So I invite you to STOP for a moment, read and hear what is possible with the "law of least effort:.
Deepak shares - "The Law of Least Effort is based on the fact that natures intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness.  This is the principle of least action, of no resistance.  This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love.  When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires.
If you observe nature at work, you will see that least effort is expended.  Grass doesn't try to grow, it just grows. Fish don't try to swim, they just swim. Flowers don't try to bloom, they bloom.  Birds don't try to fly, they fly. this is their intrinsic nature . . .
And it is human nature to make our dreams manifest into physical form, easily and effortlessly.
Natures intelligence functions effortlessly, frictionlessly, spontaneously. It is non-linear, it is intuitive, holistic and nourishing.  And when you are in harmony with nature, when you are established in the knowledge of true self, you can use of the law of least effort."
Whenever you seek power and control, you waste energy. Did you know that fear, frustration and overwhelm comes from our thoughts of "we do not have control" . . those thoughts take up a lot of energy and are a waste of pure energy.  . 
So today, on this gorgeous Saturday (at least it is in the Pacific NW, Edmonds, WA) spend time in nature and notice how birds just fly . . . effortlessly.  Flowers just bloom effortlessly, and grass is growing effortlessly. . . .
and ask yourself, what would I need to calm my mind and allow the law of least effort to guide me with stepping forward and taking action with making a commitment to self . .dare to dream how to see what you dream for your business through numbers.  YES . . dream what would it be like to see a solid organized financial foundation for your business with effortless ease.
There is something that has stopped you and keeps stopping you from moving forward . . . let it (fear, frustration, overwhelm) all go . . the law of least effort tells you anything is easy.  .
what ever thought you hold in your mind . . know it is true . . when you think it is easy. .  your right .  . when you think it is hard… you are right
The law of least effort is easy when we allow it to be..  .
Managing your business finances is easy . . when you allow it to be . .
I am here to help you, guide you and make it safe for you. .  . I promise.  when you see what is possible for your business through numbers you will ask yourself.  . . WOW. .  I had no idea this was possible.
Schedule a complimentary 30 minute finance call to learn and test out how safe it would be to develop a fresh perspective on how to build a solid financial foundation.
Enjoy being with nature!
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, April 20, 2012

FRIDAY'S STORY TO INSPIRE - Revolutionize Your Life

Happy Friday!!  Today's share is full . . . hit me in the heart . . with impact for several reasons.
I shiver when I hear children have been abused and bullied.  Second, how one person can make a difference in a childs life . . actually in any life.
Read, reflect and ponder how YOU are able to revolutionize your life and your business.

Enjoy and grow!

Revolutionize Your Life

There they were two lost little children, arriving at a fork in the road. Coming from a road of confusion two lives with little meaning. How can we function from a heart with no emotion - a lost soul?? Never experiencing the power of expression due to rejection left them unable to adapt in a world that was just too big and powerful. No emotion, no social skills, and no familiarity on how to function in unfamiliar territory. Their stories depict abandonment, abuse, and bullying.

Both children experienced bullying to the extent of death threats and removal from the school system. It was so severe they had to be home schooled for the remainder of this year and arrangements for a totally different school next year. The victims are socially quiet, but have outstanding qualities (good values, intellectual, well-behaved). Is this the reason they are targeted and how does one of this age emotionally and physically adapt to the abuse? Are parents fully aware of what their children are doing? Is your child the victim or the bully do you know?

One of the children also experienced abuse and abandonment from home. Having a parent physically harm you then give you away in the young years of life would leave you with a sense of distrust and result in lack of emotion. You are supposed to be able to speak to the one who should love you the most without verbal or physical altercation. So, whether we are an adult or a child, we all need to light the fire in our hearts.

We took the children in and continually make attempts to change the way they were programmed. Utilizing NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming), hypnosis, life coaching tools and techniques and incorporating entrepreneurial skills; then striving to reprogram their subconscious minds, we continually progress. But, how do we teach love, hope, and emotions after thirteen years? When they first came there was no hugging, no kissing, and sadly enough no laughter. After one year of teaching the power of the subconscious mind, dreaming/visioneering, goal setting, and actually discovering skill sets we are on the road to recovery. One child is very artistic so I purchased a program on how to become a cartoonist. The child is not only learning how to sketch properly, but I am teaching ways to create income. I discovered MANY talents within the child and by doing so; provide awareness to their potential. I am continually implementing techniques to teach the power of emotion that was missed as a small child.

After many, long months of teaching, I had to go on a business trip. Upon departure I gave both of the children a hug and kiss (as I always do), with the anticipated simulation of what I normally receive, when all of a sudden it was there. An embrace of the heart, a kiss with meaning, and a genuine 'I'll miss you' look.

Whether it's an adult or a child, never give up hope on reconditioning of beliefs, creating emotion, and establishing a life with new meaning new beginnings. It's never too late if you care and when you give without expecting to receive something in return, the rewards are beyond your imagination. The look in someone's eyes and the warmth of their heart when you've made a difference in their life will definitely change yours.

Peggy Caruso

Peggy recently wrote a book, Revolutionize Your Life (Foreword by Bob Proctor), which teaches the power of the subconscious mind, combined with the law of attraction, and incorporated the professional side of life to assist you in discovering your skill sets, affiliate programs, network marketing, and creating multiple sources of income. To get your copy please go to her coaching site to view it:

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, April 13, 2012


Today's story to inspire is a reminder that there are times we need a kick in the butt to do "it" (whatever it is) differently.  Certainly it doesn't feel good, yet see the gift in the push.
The push challenges us, feels uncomfortable, and builds courage and confidence. As you read today's very inspiring story ask, Where do you need the push when it comes to your business finances.  What's the act of courage you can take around business finances?  What is needed to build your confidence with creating a solid organized financial foundation.

The stories I share each Friday are to make you think and YES I tie it to finances, as that is what I breathe everyday to hold CEO's and business owners accountable with their finances.

Enjoy Friday's story to inspire.


"How are you feeling?" asked my friendly neurosurgeon Dr. Alex Gol as I lay in my hospital bed in the rehab hospital at 3:30 P.M. after a torturous day in therapy. I could not yet utter a single word after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the age of 19. So I nodded as if to say, "OK." Dr. Gol then calmly replied, "That's nice," and quickly left the room with a smile.

As he was leaving I thought to myself, "Dr. peaceful." I tried to reposition myself in my bed as the door closed behind him in order to get more comfortable, but something was not "right" in the hospital hallway as I heard a great commotion coming from there. (True, I could not yet speak; however, nothing was wrong with my hearing and there was plenty of screaming coming from the hall.) I wondered, "What was the problem?"

I soon found out the cause of the chaos: it was sweet, serene and calm Dr. Gol who was causing it.


The nurses had never seen Dr. Gol act like that. In fact, they had never heard him raise his voice. They quickly got me out of bed and put me in my wheelchair until 9 P.M.

I was miserable. I wanted to get back into my comfortable bed - well, it was not so comfortable but it was much less uncomfortable than my wheelchair or any kind of chair, for that matter.

As I said, after therapy was over at 3 P.M. I wanted to get straight back in bed; however, throughout the following weeks and months the nurses did not want to face "the wrath of Dr. Gol." Therefore, after therapy I remained in my wheelchair in my room until I went to sleep. Being in the wheelchair for so long was agonizing!

I hated Dr. Gol after that eventful day when he asked me that seemingly simple question while I was trying to relax in bed. However, years later I loved him as I realized Dr. Gol was only doing what was in my best interest.

When I returned to college after being out for so long, my professors, after learning what had happened to me and realizing that I could no longer read as quickly as before I was hurt, were more than happy to say, "Mike, it's ok. Just read what you can and we'll test you on that material." However, one professor did not say that. Dr. Sheldon Ekland-Olson, a sociology professor, said, "Mike, I understand you have difficulty reading. I've had many students with many visual problems. For those students, I refer them to "Recording for the Blind." They have access to many textbooks on cassettes. Here's the phone number..."

I "hated" that statement as I wanted to take the "easy way out." (My feelings of "hate" were very similar to those I had for Dr. Gol on that eventful afternoon in the hospital.) However, I have since learned that the "easy way" is quite often the "wrong way."

Sometimes everyone needs a "push." Even I, recently, had to be reminded to push myself as I had gotten "lazy" at the gym. However, a "stranger" reminded me to use my right hand. Even though it was difficult, I thanked him for the reminder.

I have learned that the difficult things in life are often the sweet things in life. One cannot experience "beauty" without experiencing "bitterness." Remember, "push" yourself to "get through the thorns of the rose bush, to experience the beautiful flower of the rose."

Every time I think of some difficult thing in life, I close my eyes, see Dr. Gol, and smile.

Michael Segal

As Michael shared, the difficult things in life and business are often the sweet things.

Step up and PUSH yourself and step out of your comfort zone and start taking clear control of your business finances.

As I read an interview with Andy Stanley the author of the book "the Principal of the Path"
"Is there a disconnect between where you intend to be and the path you chose" . . .
and I will add  . . .for your business and finances?

"If you want to end up in a good place, you have to move in the right direction."

Get moving!!! 

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute finance strategy call to learn how you can have a solid organized financial foundation set up in 90 days and so I can hold you accountable with your business finances. I look forward to hearing from you.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

PS . . . over to the upper right corner of the blog sign up to be on the CFO Made Easy e-mail list and receive the "How to Be Your Own CFO Map" on day two.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Friday's story reminds me of our inner critic on one shoulder and our mentor on the other.  Read, share and inspire and share.  You and I love to have support by our friends, family and colleagues to move through, take that one step forward, YOU CAN DO IT!! support and encouragement.

How may this be used with your business finances . . create the support you need to take steps forward to see your dreams come true through numbers.  Ask for support to hold you accountable to get the weekly receipts for revenue and expenses into QuickBooks.

SURROUND yourself with support, a team you have built and created, a mastermind group, or even CFO Made Easy. 
What may support look like for you?  Honor where you are, without making yourself wrong,  Be with the frustration, fear, overwhelm or whatever feeling you hold around finances.  When we honor and trust we are exactly where we are meant to be, we move through the emotion and see what is possible.

Enjoy Fridays story. 

From the files of Bob Proctor -

Many years ago a young lady who was attending a seminar shared an interesting story with me. Apparently she and two or three of her girlfriends went and tried out for a place in a stage play. She got the starring role while her girlfriends were not even picked for the supporting cast. Opening night she said she was really excited but afterwards became very disappointed when her girlfriends never came out and supported her. She was explaining the situation to an elderly friend of her fathers named Hap. He wrote her a letter and she gave me a copy with her permission to share it with others. Read it carefully and think.

Dear Ann,

Once upon a time there was a fellow by the name of Al Capp who wrote a comic strip called "L'll Abner." Many years ago he had some characters in his strip who lived in a town near Dogpatch. They were the town bums, the n'er do wells, the failures whose whole aim in life was to pass judgment on others. Their criticism and ridicule became so vehement that in time the rest of the people in the town became acutely conscious of it. "The boys down at the stable," as they were called because that's where they spent most of their time, soon set the social standards of the town. Nobody could do anything without their sanction.

Because they lived within the structure of their crummy little world, they would laugh and point their fingers at anyone and everyone who tried to be better than they were. As a result the people feared the ridicule of the boys down at the stable so much that they stopped trying. Soon everybody became bums and the town died.

In every social structure, Ann, whether it be family, town, county or state, there are "The boys down at the stable." They are the jealous ones. They are too scared to try something different. They show their ignorance by laughing at those who do. Learn to recognize them Ann, for what they are. Don't let them hurt you. It takes a certain amount of toughness to succeed. One has to rise above those who would tear you down so that they can laugh and say, "I told you so!"

There are too many of us who love you and want you to make it. I could put myself at the top of the list. You aren't going to fall flat on your face as they would have you. You are going to do a superb job. Remember this show is only a small step in the direction of greater things you will do, many of which are beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is want to. One of the things I like about you best is that you always give it hell for try.

The show will be a success because of you and others like you who try. There are only winners in the cast. The losers are gathered down at the stable laughing and hoping for your failure. If we could dig down deep inside them, I'm sure we'd find they want to win also, but are too scared to try, and they attempt to cover up their own failures as human beings by laughing at others. In a sense I'm sorry for them. Their guilt must make them very unhappy people.

Much love,

What did you think of today's story to inspire?  What does encouragement and support look like for you and the heart of finances? What is calling you forth for you to dig deep for that support?  Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute finance strategy call and share with me what encouragement and support looks like for you.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy Easter.

Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer