Friday, June 22, 2012


Today's story .  . AMAZING ... . As you read, ask yourself inside . . what story am I creating in my day, every day? What do I want to change about me so I can move forward with creating financial success for my business, and my life. 

Listen to your gut . . your intuition . Know .. YOU have all the answers.


Real Change Takes Time

Did you hear the one about the country bumpkin who took his family to the big city for the first time? Lost in a strange place, he stopped in front of a multi-story hotel building. Father and son went inside to get some directions.

Standing in the lobby, they were looking around for someone to ask. They spied a kind-looking old man with a cane and started toward him. They drew back, though, when the wall opened up for him! They watched in amazement as the wall closed, numbers above the opening grew larger than smaller, and the doors opened again. Out came a young man in confident stride and business suit. "Son, wait right here," said the farmer. "I'm going to get in that thing!"      

All of us could wish change came so quickly and so painlessly. I'd rather lose 20 pounds with a pill than deny myself extra helpings or desserts and begin to exercise. Some people prefer to saddle themselves with debt to buy a house full of furniture rather than buy furniture as they can afford it or to buy a new car they could easily do without. And so the stories go. We want what we want - now.           

I even think I see a lot of anger in today's world that is tied to the same thing. Petty people get mad at the good fortune of others. They want immediately what someone else attained over time. Immature people want the recognition and life status other people earned over years, but they want it on a silver platter - today.           

We laugh at the bumpkin who thought an elevator was a magic box that made old into young, stooped into sprightly, and plain into stylish. Maybe we should be laughing at ourselves. Going to college doesn't make one wise. Driving an expensive car doesn't confer refinement or personality. Living in an exclusive part of town says nothing about the happiness of the people who live in its newest and nicest house. And going to church doesn't confer spirituality.           

Authentic change in looks, lifestyle, and personality takes place over time. If there is an outcome you'd like, the surest way to achieve it is not to waste your money on dangerous pills or to squander it on lottery tickets. Set a worthy goal, identify the incremental steps necessary to get there, and begin your journey. Know in advance that the wisdom, discipline, and understanding that come from the journey are equally as valuable as anything at its end.

Rubel Shelly

Rubel Shelly is a Preacher and Professor of Religion and Philosophy located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. In addition to church and academic responsibilities, he has worked actively with such community projects as Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, From Nashville With Love, Metro (Nashville) Public Schools, Faith Family Medical Clinic, and Operation Andrew Ministries. To learn more about Rubel please go to:

What did you hear for yourself in this story?  My message for you. . it's time, it's time for you to change the feelings of making yourself wrong, feeling shame, fear and frustration about finances.  What purpose does it serve? What I know is those feelings keep you going in circles. Shame, fear, guilt, frustration, you hide, shame fear, guilt, frustration, you hide.
Step out if the circle and CHOOSE, make a DECISION to learn to be with business finances in a new light, heck even personal finances. You think it's hard because you make it hard.  Keep it simple and easy.  It's about taking one step, one small step to moving forward.
When you allow yourself to feel where you are right now in this moment and each moment you value YOU, you acknowledge YOU. Through the process of allowing yourself to feel, you will learn more about self acceptance.

Questions or have a comment to share, leave it below or reach out and ask for help, e-mail me at Debbie Rosenfelt, Chief Heart Officer.
I hear what you don't see or notice for you.
Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, June 15, 2012


A short story to tribute dad's . .. . HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD'S

The Best Dad

Years ago I heard a story of a dad named Paul who gave his young son a small chalkboard to practice writing on. One evening his son called out from the bedroom, “Dad, how do you spell best?”

Paul answered him. Moments later, the boy hollered, “How do you spell kid?”

Finally he asked, “How do you spell ever?”

When the boy showed him what he’d written on the chalkboard, Paul expected to see “I’m the best kid ever.” Instead, the boy beamed as Paul read the message: “You’re the best dad a kid can ever have.”

Paul recalled that it was one of the best days of his life. In fact, he had to buy his son another chalkboard because he wanted to save this message forever and hang it on his wall. It’s still there.

Feeling appreciated is enormously important to adults as well as children. So much so that we often don’t think enough about what we’d most like to be appreciated for.

Being appreciated at work is a big deal. Who doesn’t want approval and respect from one’s boss and coworkers? Beyond the economic value of raises, promotions, and commendations, praise can be gratifying and motivating. That’s why good employers look for opportunities to acknowledge and thank employees for their contributions.

Yet as meaningful as work recognition is, if you could choose between winning your child’s “Best Mom/Dad a Kid Can Ever Have” award and being named “Best Employee,” which would you choose?

The point is not to belittle the pursuit of approval in your business life but to remind you how much more meaningful it is to know you’re important to and appreciated by the people who love and need you the most. Your most important job in life is to be worthy of that appreciation.

Being the “best ever” mom or dad, husband or wife, or friend – it doesn’t get any better than that.

Michael Josephson  

A tribute of heartfelt appreciation to my dad, Ken Petersen . . dad I love you and appreciate you for a life time.
I appreciate you and I am honored to be following you in your foot steps to be an entrepreneur.
Love Debbie -

A final note, know that you are all important and appreciated for who you are. We need YOU!  Each and every one of you.
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Each morning I have a ritual of caring for me . . take my vitamins, recite a gratitude prayer from the Four Agreements, go to the gym and work out with my trainer or without, come home feed the cats, grab a bite to eat, mediate and read a few inspiring words to support my day.

Below is Monday's reading from Science of Mind and as I read I thought of us . . Entrepreneurs

The mind can calculate, but the spirit yearns,
and the heart knows what the heart knows.
Stephen King

Since we cannot contract the Absolute,
we shall have to expand the relative.
The Science of Mind, page 405

Logic and magic: life is equal parts of either. Their order is reversible.
Sometimes, we cobble together some scheme using our logical
and logistical faculties, later to realize, when our clever thinking will
take us no further, “This is going to take a miracle.” Other times,
we’re thunderstruck by a knowing in the heart, and then have to
start framing out all the practical details. We do not have two separate
mental compartments for logic and magic; they’re more like
two programs in the same computer—one that analyzes data, and
the other that converts that data into sounds, colors, and sensations
to dazzle the senses. We would not be a whole self without both.
Proably, we have a bias toward one way of operating or the
other, so our learning comes in the form of trusting that both our
logical and magical worldviews will justify themselves. The heart
does what it does, and it may take a while for the head to catch up.
The head sets a direction, and it may then take a while for the heart
to buy into it. When they operate smoothly in tandem, we hunker
down, do the math, and then reach into seemingly empty space to
draw in some quality or ingredient that completes the picture. To
balance these energies in our lives, we need only trust that we are
already doing so. SOM June 11, 2012

We have our dreams and desires which can be magical and then, there is logic as well . .

It just so happens at this time Chase bank and Living Social are sponsoring a grant pool of $3 million dollars to be shared among 12 small businesses that are chosen by a panel. The twelve will each receive $250k to grow and expand their business.  An amazing opportunity, isn't it? Any business may complete and submit the application then find 250 people to vote for their business.  It is a gateway to make sure those who are serious about the opportunity to earn their chance.

I applied for the gym, SNAP Fitness in Edmonds, WA last Sunday, June 10th and I have been vying for votes, via FaceBook, Twitter, asking family, friends, members of the gym and business colleagues for votes.  This is an experience of dedication and commitment, supporting other entrepreneurs by sharing votes with each other, creating conversations of support and camaraderie. People having faith, voting before they receive a vote, others saying, I will vote for you only if you vote for me.  I just vote away and give so everyone has a chance to receive a shot of 250 votes. Know the 250 votes, only give eligibility, there is no guarantee. this is where the magic will come in for the fortunate 12. Yet look at the community this $3 million grant has created.  Entrepreneurs, very open and loving to support each other with an opportunity that can feel magical.

Entrepreneurs naturally hold the space of magic, listening to our intuition, listening to a sense or feeling inside that says how can I not do this and then logic what do I need to do.

The 12 entrepreneurs who receive the grant will be elated, excited and will need to logically plan out how to best utilize the money for their business if they have not done so already.  There was a question in the application that asked, "What will you do with the money."

As your Chief Heart Officer, I encourage every entrepreneur to commit to creating a solid organized financial foundation, to track the investment and how it is utilized. 

Note: a 1099 will be issued to the grant winners by Chase bank for the $250k, and income tax will be paid on the net profits for that year.  Best of luck to every business owner and entrepreneur. Make sure you are prepared with an action plan and strategy of how you will use the money.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

PS - Please vote for SNAP Fitness in Edmonds, WA at Mission Small Business and all other businesses that you would like to support with votes.

Friday, June 1, 2012


This has been an exciting week for me.  I completed creating and launching Daily Seeds for Financial Success.

Boy have I learned a heck of a lot.  I know finances like the back of my hand . . yet when I am learning something new, something I have never done before as an Entrepreneur, it takes forever just to get that new thang accomplished.  Do you find that as well?

First, let me share what Daily Seeds for Financial Success is.  It is a daily inspirational message that you receive 5 days a week and the message is around finances.  One message a day, Monday through Friday.
You receive an inspirational quote, an inquiry posed around (business) finances and then a daily affirmation. The concept, how to encourage, empower and motivate you to work consciously on your finances.  Business or Personal.
I have 28 years of experience in the finance world working with CEO's in privately held companies and I made the decision to start working on achieving my own dreams and get back to being an entrepreneur and support many, many, many CEO's, entrepreneurs and business owners at one time. 
Yet know, as you are reading this if you are not an entrepreneur or business owner YOU are the CEO and CFO of your own life.  So this does apply to you as well.  Just remove "business' from finances and there is only finances.  Treat your life, your finances like a business and you too can achieve success.

Back to the story of the creating part . . . so creating Daily Seeds for Financial Success came about last March though my meditation practice and I started writing messages.  Check . . .
Next I learned about what it would take to launch Daily Seeds for Financial Success . .
Purchase a URL that supports Financial Success ..

Set up hosting for the URL . .

Set up Word Press . .

Purchase Optimize Press . .

Create a Banner for the Opt in page - find a designer . . . . . Thank you Holly Firth Russell

Find someone on Odesk to set up Opt in page . .

Create Welcome and thank you videos  . . 5 tapings later . .√

Set up all messages on Aweber and ask for help from Aweber. . √

Start promoting . . . √

These one liners do not even describe the length of dedicated time it took to get through little hurdles.  The point is, when you are committed to your DREAM . . to achieve what you see for your business, you will take all the steps needed to accomplish what you want for you, your business and the world. 
First . . go and subscribe to Daily Seeds for Financial Success so you too may be encouraged, empowered and inspired to move forward with your business and personal finances.
And be inspired to share below what your dream is for your business.  I love hearing each of your unique stories of how you started your business in the entrepreneurial world.   Be proud and celebrate every little success . . it makes our hearts stronger.
Thank you for reading and listening . . I look forward to connecting with you next time.

Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer


Happy Friday !!  It's been an exciting week . . .

I received a phone call the other night from a client I have been working with since December.  She was so excited . . first she thanked me for asking her the question "when are you implementing?" then she continued to share she signed a new contract with a former client at her new pricing structure.
I am THRILLED for her, to see her achieve her DREAMS.. . and as I shared with her.  . we did the work to create the model, (the motivator), she set the intention of what she wanted, then lead the direction and the path she wanted to go.  The end result, she is tripling her income in 2012.  This is no small feat.  This is HUGE, close to 7 figures HUGE.
How cool is that???
What did we do you ask?  We created revenue projections for 2012. 

First step - we determined her products, prices and units.  Each product had its own separate line on the model, with price and then units by month. In this case the units were hours.  She is a service provider and there are so many hours in a day, so you calculate the number of hours you are willing to work each day, multiply it out by the number of days you work in a week and then how many weeks in a month.  Make sure to adjust for the weeks and months you take off for conferences, vacation and holidays. Yes, you can plan your time off and see the impact right there. No guessing or waiting.  Make sense?
Now it's not only to calculate the numbers, this is used to create a conversation around, how much do I want to spend in a day working with clients, what am I charging, do I want to explore with charging a higher rate?  Do I want to make more money, hmmmm, what will that take? What would that look like?  What is needed so I feel good and confident?
Once you have inserted the criteria, next step is to implement the services, sell the new products and compare actual numbers to projections to confirm you are on target, going way beyond target, or missing the mark totally.
It's about seeing where you have been (past), where you are now (current), and projecting out where you want to go (future).  Revenue projections is one tool for creating a solid, organized financial foundation for your business.
And you know what, this is what I do and I want you to as well. I passionately support YOU the CEO's, entrepreneurs and business owners with achieving your DREAMS through numbers, in a bottom line kind of way, (pun intended) this is for the success of your business and for the success of cash flow.
Get on board with playing, exploring and having fun with creating revenue projections for the dream you hold for your business.  I have the tools for you already mapped out and the 28 years of experience supporting CEO's of privately held companies achieve their PASSIONATE dreams.
Reach out, connect and say Debbie I want to create my revenue projections with you to see my dreams come true. You may reach me at

Have a great weekend and I look forward to connecting with you next week.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer