Friday, September 14, 2012

FRIDAY'S STORY TO INSPIRE - The Great Challenge of Life

Today's story to inspire is from Jim Rohn who shares a bit of wisdom - YOU count.  You matter. It takes you, no one else but you to choose what you want. 

How does this apply to business, and finances?  read on . .  enjoy!

The Great Challenge of Life

Here's the great challenge of life - You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are.

I have found that income seldom will exceed your own personal development. Once in a while income takes a lucky jump, but unless you grow out to where it is, it will go back to where you are.

Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world and divided it among everyone equally; it would soon be back in the same pockets. However, you can have more because you can become more. You see, here is how the other side of the coin reads - unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got.

The marketing plan won't do it. It's a good plan but it won't work without you. You've got to work it. It is the human effort that counts. If you could send a sales manual out to recruit - wouldn't that be lovely? The major thing that makes the difference is what YOU do.

In order to have more, you need to become more. The guy says "If I had a good job I would really pour it on, but I have this lousy job so I just goof off." If that is your philosophy, you are destined to stay there.

Some people say if I had a lot of money I would be really generous, but I don't have much so I'm not generous. See, you've got to change that philosophy or you will never have "the lots of money." Unless YOU change, IT won't change.

Amazingly, however, when we throw out our blame list and start becoming more ourselves - the difference is everything else will begin to change around us.

Jim Rohn
1930-2009, Author and Speaker 

What spoke to your heart about this story?  What spoke to your head?  What ever challenges you have in life around finances, it will take YOU to step up and choose to want to do it differently.  There is no magic formula, no magic pill, or magic wand it just takes you.
What's stopping you with your finances?  Business or personal?  How do you know what you don't know?  Start asking questions. Start asking for help. It's that simple, it's that easy.
I would love to be your financial coach,  are you ready?
Please share your comments below and share this blogpost with your friends and colleagues.  I am here to support you with moving forward.
Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, August 31, 2012

FRIDAY'S STORY TO INSPIRE - Are You Guarding A Concrete Slab?

Happy Friday . . Today's story to inspire is a thinker . . . this can be applied to anything, even business finances and personal finances.  How??  Read and I will share a couple of examples after the story. .

Are You Guarding A Concrete Slab?

There was an army barracks that had on its duty roster 4 soldiers to guard at all times a concrete slab in front of the barracks. The soldiers changed shifts guarding the slabs for many years. Different commanders came and went and the tradition continued.

After many years, a new commander was assigned to the barracks. Amongst the things he did was asking why things were done the way they were. When he asked why soldiers were guarding the slab, he was told, "We've always done it this way. It's our tradition. Our former commanders instructed us to do that."

The commander was adamant on finding out why. He went to the archives to look for answers and he came across a document that had the explanation. The document was very old.  It had instructions written by one of the retired commanders who had even passed away.

The new commander learnt that over 80 years ago, the barracks wanted to build a platform where events could be performed. When the concrete slab was laid, wild animals walked over it at night before the slab would dry. The soldiers would fix it the next morning but when evening came the same thing would happen. So the commander ordered that 4 soldiers should guard the concrete slab for 3 weeks to allow it to dry. The following week the commander was transferred to another post and a new commander was brought in. The new commander found the routine and enforced it and every commander that came did the same. Eighty years later the barracks continued guarding a concrete slab.

What beliefs, attitudes, traditions have you carried on that were relevant to certain people or a certain time and they are still being carried out by you? Is your opinion about yourself, people of a different race, the opposite sex, certain business opportunities, new products etc obsolete? Question the status quo.

Sandras Phiri

I told you it was a thinker . . . how are you guarding a concrete slab? 
Are you managing cash by going online every day?  Or do you have a system in place that supports you with consciously planning cash for business or personal finances?  During hard core crunch times, do you react or respond, because "that is the way you have always done it?"

Ask yourself, what needs to change? What needs to be looked at from a fresh perspective so an old belief pattern stops?  Can you see how the "concrete slab" is an old belief?

Here is today's action plan - Jot down one or two areas in your finances, business or personal that you want to change.  For example, create a check register in excel  (I offer a 12 month check register) and start tracking your cash.   What are the recurring charges on your credit card statement that has been on there for months or years and your not using? Start monitoring utility bills to see how much your using and spending.  Is usage going up? Are there inconsistencies? Check it out.  Create a spreadsheet to compare the costs sided by side for a rolling 12 months. What do you see?

If you want help, reach out and ask. If you believe that you can figure it out, yet everything stays the same, it's time to ask yourself - How is that working for you?  Stop watching the concrete slab and make a change to move forward. I woud love to support you with moving forward.
Have a questione-mail me at

Supporting you with moving forward.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
CFO Made Easy

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday's Story to Inspire - Good or bad . . right or wrong .

"A mistake is simply another way of doing things." ~ Katherine Graham
 Children are often told that they are good or bad when what is meant is that their behavior is seen as pleasing or not pleasing.  When the idea of being good and bad is planted deep into consciousness at an early age, it leads to a belief that we have two parts, one good and one bad.  such a belief divides us against ourselves.  f we believe that we are half bad, we cannot really believe that we are one with Divine. This causes major conflicts, the symptoms of which are guilt, shame and a feeling of being unlovable.
The now-famous Dr. Albert Ellis, a pioneer in the field of cognitive therapy, eloquently stated, "We are always doing the best we can, given that we know what we believe."  Believing this invites us to easily understand why we behave the way we do and why change is often difficult.  Many years ago, this insight led me to the realization that I am neither good nor bad; I just am.  we are all beings acting in accord with what we know and believe.  The good news is that we can and will change what we know and believe, and we will always act accordingly. "Change your thinking, change your life" is much more than bumper-sticker wisdom.  by  Bob Luckin

As you read today's story to inspire what thoughts came up for you?  How can you internalize this concept to allow yourself to move forward in your business? In your life?  What if there was no "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong". From my perspective we make choices.  A choice is a choice, not a label.  Why do we feel we need to label ourselves or others?  Labeling sets our world to make us feel ok about ourselves.  When in fact we are ok exactly as who we are, (without the labels) and where we are in any given moment.
I can understand how this may be a stretch for you, yet I invite you for one day, to remove  "good" and "bad", "right" and "wrong" from your vocabulary . .and just allow what shows up to be.
For example, when working on your business or an area of your personal life something does not go the way you planned, step back and say, "wow, that is not what I expected", then let it go, move forward.  There still may be the urge to label it as "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong' yet just notice what you learned and the feeling you were left with.  this is allowing . . allowing you to be with where you are in that moment.  Notice and let go of the "label" and just be.
This is just another way of doing things in business and in life.  Because YOU are the CEO and CFO of your business and of your life.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
CFO Made Easy  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


"Gross revenue means nothing if, at the end of the day, you have no operating cash." ~ MIKE MICHALOWIZ

For a good twenty plus years, I managed cash daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at the privately held companies I worked for.  Consistently working cash flow so we were prepared for anything.
Step three for managing cash is using a 52-week cash flow projections.
This is a 52 week spreadsheet that tracks cash receivables coming in and cash payables going out. Cash Receivables are listed at the top. You can create a variety of categories for cash coming in.  Examples, receivables from various areas of the business, coaching, products,, events, and seminars, etc.  Cash going out categories, inventory, then list your various vendors if that is how you want to track purchases. Commissions, payments to contractors, weekly or bi-weekly payroll, plus normal monthly expenses, rent, utilities, electricity, natural gas, phone, internet, water, lease payments, car payments.  The 52 week cash flow spreadsheet is a cash story book, it tells you where you have been, how you performed and the variances that have occurred, which will allow you to realign how you are managing cash.  At the end of the spread sheet it tells you if there is lots of cash left over for the following week, or not enough to cover you, so then you can plan to borrow or adjust what will go out.
You can purchase the weekly cash flow management tool to your right for $225, equal to $4.33 a week, which is equivalent to less than one Vente latte.
Why manage cash weekly? This is the path that provides knowledge and direction for your financial goals for your business and life. This is a tool used to see where you are and where you are heading at all times. Knowledge is power. Mapping out cash coming in and going out weekly, allows you to see and plan what is needed.
A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?
Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. Cash is worked daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly.  Cash is the lifeblood of every business. If you don't manage the cash coming in from accounts receivable and going out, accounts payable you run the risk of putting yourself out of business.  When you don't manage sales and accounts receivable you run the risk of missing income. (See previous post ) If you are not managing your expenses. i.e. accounts payable you can run the risk of negative circumstances where you have to scramble.  The numbers are only information, with that information, you make choices and decisions how to move forward.
Business's fail with poor cash flow management, so why run the risk?
As I have shared in earlier posts, create that new muscle, a new habit and learn how to work your cash flow differently.  Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily and weekly forces you to look at and plan.  You are the CEO of your business and the CFO. Lead your finances as you lead your business.
Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.

Creating simple, easy baby step habits opens the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Get in to action, invest in yourself and your business. Purchase the weekly cash flow management tool and get cracking on managing your cash. If you have any questions please leave below or e-mail me at
Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


"A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere." ~ Joyce Myers

I am an avid reader of the Science of Mind magazine. Each message speaks to my heart and soul. Below is one daily reading I want to share with you.
Are you, YES YOU, moving forward with discovering your purpose?  Is your heart and soul nudging you?  Whatever that looks like for you.
Just a quiet little reminder. Enjoy!

Sometimes, it is difficult to figure out purpose.  Too often, friends are willing to tell you what they think your purpose is, especially when it serves them. I have found something interesting about purpose: all I need to do is decide what my purpose is and be 180 degrees away from it. Once you set an intention to find your purpose, however, the universe will conspire to guide you. The only thing you can do wrong is to do nothing.
Purpose is a guiding light. You must not forget your purpose, but don't allow your purpose to tether you. Choose a purpose, and don't be attached to having it be the right one. Choose nothing, and the universe knows you are not yet willing to play. (SOM, August 4, 2012)

So, are you playing? or are you not yet willing to play? Share your passion, your purpose below.  . GET IT OUT!.  . Scream it to the world. .  we are waiting to hear your voice. Your soul is waiting for you to play.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This morning as I was reading, I came across this short gentle reminder.

Notice and realize YOU are the CEO of your life and business and the CFO of your life and business.

Your strength and effectivness increase as you believe in yourself and your ability to grow from the experiences you have in life. Look upon challenges as opportunities to learn and apply your knowledge and your magical touch. ~ Doreen Virtue

Warmly -

Chief Heart Officer
CFO Made Easy

Friday, July 27, 2012

FRIDAY'S STORY TO INSPIRE - Pick Up Your Oar And Start Rowing

Today's story is a heartwarming story, that just makes you think in more ways then one.  Keeping it light for you today.  This finance stuff can get really heavy.

An inquiry - what is your heart wanting for you today?


Pick Up Your Oar And Start Rowing

My boss, two co-workers and I stood behind the hard plastic seats. We were in the front section, on the first-base line at Shea Stadium, home of the New York Mets. We were so close to the infield, there was a protective net over our heads. I was new to the New York City area and had never been to Shea Stadium. These were dream seats. My heart pounded with excitement.

We stood with our umbrellas held high. The rain beat down on everything around us. It bounced off the seats and quickly formed deep puddles on the cover protecting the field.

"Steve," I asked my boss, "How did you get such great seats?"

"They came from Ed at the office. His dad is a blind sports writer and has a long- standing relationship with the Mets and Yankees."

The game was called due to rain. We left the stadium disappointed. On the long subway ride back to Jersey City, I wondered about the man behind the seats. How could a man be blind and be a sports writer?

Years have passed since that rainy night. Old friends back in Canada often ask me, "Mike, have you gone to a baseball game in New York yet?"

I say to them, "I've been to a few, but let me tell you about the best seats I ever had but couldn't use."

Whenever this happens, the memory of that night comes flashing back. I wonder about the blind sports writer. What was his story?

It had to be special.

I sat at my computer one night. An email popped into my in-box. I didn't recognize the return address. The subject line said, "Inspirational SI article about my dad, Ed Lucas." I was curious.

I opened the email. It was from a gentleman sending me a clip of a story written by Steve Rushin for Sports Illustrated. It was a wonderful read about a special man. Through the article and the man who sent it to me, I learned the full story. The following is a synopsis:

Twelve-year-old Ed Lucas ran home from his school in Jersey City. It was October 3, 1951. He arrived in time to see Bobby Thomson win the pennant for his favorite team, the New York Giants.

After the game, Ed ran out to play ball with his friends. During the game, Ed was hit between the eyes by a line drive. The force of the blow detached both retinas, leaving Ed permanently blind.

Ed became depressed. His mother, Rosanna, took matters into her own hands and took Ed to a Newark, New Jersey men's store.

There, she introduced him to Phil Rizzuto, a part-time employee of the store and a Yankee star. Phil befriended Ed.

Rosanna wasn't done yet. She wrote the Giants Manager, Leo Durocher, about her son. Leo asked her to bring Ed to, what was then called, the Polo Grounds. On June 14, 1952, young Ed sat in the clubhouse with the members of the Giants. It was the beginning of a special relationship.

Ed enrolled in St. Joseph's School for the Blind in Jersey City. The nuns were demanding. Ed learned to make his bed and match his clothes. If he whined about being blind and not being able to do what other kids could, Sister Anthony Marie was quoted saying, "Isn't that a shame? We're all in the same boat here, Ed. Pick up your oar and start rowing."

Ed enrolled in university to study communication arts. He worked hard. He knew no other way. The nuns had made sure of that.

He graduated in 1962 and became a regular in the Shea and Yankee Stadium press boxes, where he interviewed the players. Years later, a young Mets rookie, Ron Swoboda, took Ed by the hand. Together they walked the warning track around the field. Ed traced his fingers along the outfield wall. His fingers, sensitive to reading Braille, seemed to read the history of the park. Every dent, scratch and chip he touched meant something to him.

Later that year, Ed married. He and his wife had two sons - Eddie and Chris. Sadly, at a very young age, their mother left forever. Ed had to raise his two sons alone. With the strength he learned years ago at St. Joseph's, Ed took on the task. He taught his sons to be strong.

It was not uncommon for the two young boys to see Billy Martin in their home. "Huge stars like Mickey Mantle would tell me my dad was their hero," Chris was quoted as saying.

Years later, a friend came to Ed and told him about a nurse, Allison Pfeifle, whose detached retina left her legally blind and unable to continue her profession. He asked Ed to speak to her.

Ed and Allison talked on the phone for many years before meeting in person. They were baseball fanatics and spent their first date at Shea Stadium.

On March 10, 2006, at Yankee Stadium, Allison walked from the dugout to home plate and became Ed's new bride.

With his two sons at his side, Ed started a new life, at the place he holds so dear, and with the woman who captured his heart.

Ed, now 68, was quoted saying, "Baseball took my sight, but it also gave me my life."


I sat in shock. Could it be? I mailed Chris back and told him about the seats we couldn't use that rainy night.

He confirmed, his father was the man who provided those unused seats. Chris told me later, "They are the first couple in the 80 year history of the stadium to have the honor of marrying there."

I finally knew the story. It was sure worth waiting for.

Michael T Smith

Michael lives in Caldwell, Idaho with his wonderful wife Ginny. He writes in his spare time and is completing a collection of his stories to be called, “From My Heart to Yours.” Michael writes inspirational stories in his spare time. To read more of Michael's stories or to contact him, go to Michael-Timothy-Smith Stories

For support e-mail me at

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer
CFO Made Easy

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


For a good twenty years, I managed cash daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at the privately held companies I worked for.  Consistently working cash flow so we were prepared for anything.

Step two for managing cash is using a weekly cash management tool.
This is a 52 week spreadsheet that tracks cash flow going in and coming out of your bank accounts. General checking, payroll account (If you have a separate account) savings account, and line of credit. In addition, this spreadsheet tracks accounts receivable, account payable and any credit card debt you may carry. 
Using this tool will have you looking at your accounts consistently and allows you to manage and plan, when you need to borrow from a line of credit, pay down the line, and or transfer money into savings.
We have a savings account for the gym and we sock $500 each month to cover the semi-annual real estate property taxes.  In addition, if there is a little cash left over we will put additional funds aside to cover new equipment for the gym.
You can purchase the weekly cash management tool to your right for $175, equal to $3.37 a week, which is equivalent to less than one Grande latte.
Why manage cash weekly? This is the path that provides knowledge and direction for your financial goals for your business. This is so you see where you have been, know where you are and plan where you are heading at all times. Knowledge is power. Mapping out cash coming in and going out weekly, allows you to see and plan what is needed.

A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?
Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. It is the lifeblood of every business. If you don't manage the cash coming in from accounts receivable and going out, accounts payable you run the risk of putting yourself out of business.  When you don't manage sales and accounts receivable you run the risk of missing income. (See previous post REVENUE PATROL ALERT ) If you are not managing your expenses. i.e. accounts payable you can run the risk of negative circumstances where you have to scramble.  The numbers are only information, with that information, you make choices and decisions how to move forward.
A short story about cash flow. Back in 2008 I was working with a company that sold goods wholesale to large retailers.  There was one company that we had to constantly monitor as there were rumbles of bankruptcy in the air. Frightening, especially when there was over $500k in outstanding receivables. They continued to make promises to pay, however at the end of June we were notified they filed for bankruptcy protection.
The good news, we had one advantage, our product the bankrupt business was selling, was their best seller. They needed our product.  I immediately created a letter to the President of the bankrupt company stating all sales will be paid for in advance by a wire. The President agreed. How did we do with cash flow? The cash sales from the bankrupt company provided cash in advance and funded our growth as the business grew 74%that year.  You need cash to grow.
Your business will fail with poor cash flow management, so why run the risk?
Create that new muscle, a new habit and learn how to work your cash flow differently.  As I shared in Step One, Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily and weekly forces you to look and plan.  You are the CEO of your business and the CFO. Lead your finances as you lead your business.
Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.

Creating simple, easy baby step habits opens the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Next is step three - Cash Flow Management - Planning and mapping out sales i.e accounts receivable, expenses, i.e. accounts payable and credit card debt weekly.
Get in to action, invest in yourself and your business. Purchase the weekly cash management tool and get cracking on managing your cash. If you have any questions please leave below or e-mail me at

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

STOP Guessing and START Creating - Revenue

For the last few weeks I have been creating revenue projections for entrepreneurs. So I am introducing this fun transformation strategy session to YOU -  

STOP guessing and START creating Revenue with direction and purpose.

Schedule a 60-90 minute energizing transformational strategy breakthrough session and;
  • Discover the hidden income potential for your business.
  • Uncover if you are spending 70% of your time on the least profitable products.
  • Recognize how prices impact your happiness and revenue goals.
  • Gain clarity on where you should concentrate marketing dollars
  • Feel inspired and empowered! YOU will reveal where your business could grow.
What more could you want?  Gain clarity and direction. Learn where to concentrate your most precious time on the most profitable products.
This will be a fun, energizing 60-90 minutes.
Step 1 - Click on the link to schedule an energizing transformational Revenue strategy session.
Transformational Revenue Call

Step 2 - Click on the drop down box to your right and select Revenue Projections.
Step 3 - Send me a list of products and prices two days before on strategy session. I will prepare the revenue projections with your information.
Step 4 - After our session, you will have projections for the balance of 2012 AND you will  have the revenue projections tool for you to create 2013 revenue projections in October/November.  If you want support for 2013 projections, support is here.
Below are testimonials from entrepreneurs sharing the transformation impact creating revenue projections.
If you have any questions - feel free to e-mail me at

Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
CFO Made Easy

It WAS a rocking session. . . "Once I mastered the essentials, Debbie inspired me to plan more boldly for some pricing model changes I'd been contemplating and now the value of what I provide to clients is in alignment and so is my cash flow! I am thinking bigger picture, while confidently knowing my financial foundation is rock solid." Kristen Hemingway Hemmingway Strategies LLC

In just one hour, my financial coach was able to help me identify that I'm spending 70% of my time on the least profitable area of my business and only 30% of my time on the highest potential profit center.  That clarity was able to instantly help me switch my marketing and roll out strategy to pull resources from one area and reallocate them to another.  Just one hour of the clarity changed my entire business model!  Cindy Ratzlaff BrandYOU
As I worked with Debbie Rosenfelt quite a few things changed for me.  First was that I became very clear on my value, my real value, and how I value my time. Then I became clear on what I do and don’t want to do; what I want to offer to my clients and, most important, what I don’t want to offer.  This was a huge revelation to me and a very important part of the process.  With her wonderful insight and encouragement I was able to refine how to organize my product offerings and how to price them. Liz Byrne Loving Your Story

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I was reminded today in a blog post by Jeff Walker, success happens in baby steps.  I needed that reminder today, to remind myself I am on a journey to building my business and it doesn't happen over night . . although I would LOVE the success to happen yesterday. A heartfelt YES, and you?
So I thought, why not create a post that supports leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners and CEO's a baby step action plan for managing cash.

Step #1 - Manage cash daily. 
How you ask?
With the daily, 12 month cash register. (You can purchase it to your right for $150, equal to $12.50 a month, which is equivalent to approximately 3-4 latte's)

Why manage cash daily? This is the path that provides direction for your financial goals for your business or life. This is so you know where you are financially at all times, and so you see where you are heading. Mapping out cash coming in and going out daily, allows you to see and plan what is needed. You know when monthly recurring bills and loan payments happen, so map it out and plan how much cash you need daily..
A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?
Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. Cash is worked daily, you need to know how much cash you have on hand at all times. YES, that means creating a new muscle, a new habit if you want to figure out how to work your cash flow differently.  Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily forces you to look at and think of what is coming up next. If it is next week, the end of the month, next month or next quarter, etc.
When I was working with privately held corporations, as the CFO I worked and planned cash daily, always looking at each day, each week, each month and each year. My team worked updated the financial information in the accounting software. AR, AP, monthly transactions, etc were worked on thru out the month.  Cash and financials are two different animals.  Cash is cash managed daily and financials share the whole picture, the financial story for the business every single month.
Even now, with our gym business, we manage cash daily with the daily cash register. It is similar to a checkbook yet in Excel, that holds 12 months of info in one workbook. Each month has it's own tab, and each worksheet is linked to the next. Every day we look at cash and manage it daily. Each day's deposits are mapped out and updated daily at the end of the day or the next morning. Recurring payments such as payroll, monthly payroll taxes, quarterly payroll taxes, trainers commissions, monthly loan payments, purchasing supplies and advertising are mapped out in advance and updated as needed. By doing this we are able to make a easy financial decisions on the spot. One example, how much to transfer to savings each month.  We use the cas placed in savings for the bi-annual property tax payments or plan for additional equipment purchases.  I also balance the monthly bank statement to the daily cash register which is a check and balance system for balancing cash to QuickBooks at the end of the month.
Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.
The key to success for your cash is to create simple, easy, baby step habits that will open the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Get in to action, purchase the daily cash register and get cracking on managing your cash daily. If you have any questions please leave below or e-mail me at

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, July 6, 2012

CFO Made Easy - First Radio Spot Commercial

I am so EXCITED, this is my first ever radio spot commercial.  It is 30 seconds and it was created for the radio program I was on earlier this week on KKNW, called Conversations that Heal with Susan Jacobi.  A very powerful conversation.
Listen and share the 30 second spot with others.

Have a question or a comment, leave it below or e-mail me at
Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer


This morning's words of wisdom come from Jim Rohn.  I love this man's leadership and style of motivation.  He truly makes my mind think.

As you read today's motivation, think of your business. If you don’t have a business, think of your life, now. Remember you are the CEO of your life. Life is your business, lead it that way.

Entrepreneurs, leaders and CEO's have a desire inside for a better life, to make a difference in our world. As the CEO of your life how do you want to have a better life, a life where you are making a difference for your family.

Enjoy today's story and why not Let it Be You.

Let it Be you!

Have you ever wanted to make more money? Have you ever looked at someone who has money and wished that it could be you? People think about getting wealthy all of the time, when only a small percentage actually does. But any of the masses could. Someone is going to start a business. Someone is going to make a great investment. Someone is going to begin the journey to great wealth. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to decide to improve their relationships. Someone is going to enjoy love with their family. Someone is going to schedule some meaningful time with their friends. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to go back to school to improve their life. Someone is going to become a lifelong learner. Someone is going to set a goal to read a book or listen to a CD each week for the next year. So why not let it be you?

Someone is going to look in the mirror and see that they need to lose a little weight and they will make the decision to become healthy. Someone will run their first marathon. Someone will join an aerobics class and improve their health. Why not let it be you?

I think that by now you get the point: Every day people are improving their lives. Whether you do or not doesn´t matter to those who do. They are going to do it, regardless. It is simply a matter of a decision being made. Let that person be you!

You may be asking, “Okay Jim, but how?” Well, let´s cover the very simple actions.

The first and most important is to make a commitment to work on yourself. Are you going to improve or stay the same? No matter what you have achieved, you are at a certain point right now. What you have achieved in the past is fine, but it doesn´t make a difference for the future. The decision about what you will become is made each day and every day. Each day someone is making the decision to better him or herself. Let that person be you!

The second is to make a plan. Once you have decided to become better you will have to have a plan. It doesn´t have to be a long, intricate plan. It can be simple. Save a dollar a day. Walk a mile a day. Read an article a day. That is a simple plan with achievable goals. Someone is going to develop a plan that will take them into the future of their dreams. Let it be you!

The third is to begin to act. All of the great ideas, without action, become stale and useless. The key to turning dreams into reality is action. People who have great ideas are a dime a dozen. People who act on their dreams and ideas are the select few, but they are the ones who gain the wealth and wisdom that is available. Someone will act today. Let it be you.

My encouragement to you is to stop looking at others who live the good life, wishing that you were as well, and instead begin to commit to your improvement, develop a plan and act on it. Someone is going to. Let it be you!

Jim Rohn
1930-2009, Author and Speaker 

Have a question or a comment, leave it below or e-mail me at

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, June 22, 2012


Today's story .  . AMAZING ... . As you read, ask yourself inside . . what story am I creating in my day, every day? What do I want to change about me so I can move forward with creating financial success for my business, and my life. 

Listen to your gut . . your intuition . Know .. YOU have all the answers.


Real Change Takes Time

Did you hear the one about the country bumpkin who took his family to the big city for the first time? Lost in a strange place, he stopped in front of a multi-story hotel building. Father and son went inside to get some directions.

Standing in the lobby, they were looking around for someone to ask. They spied a kind-looking old man with a cane and started toward him. They drew back, though, when the wall opened up for him! They watched in amazement as the wall closed, numbers above the opening grew larger than smaller, and the doors opened again. Out came a young man in confident stride and business suit. "Son, wait right here," said the farmer. "I'm going to get in that thing!"      

All of us could wish change came so quickly and so painlessly. I'd rather lose 20 pounds with a pill than deny myself extra helpings or desserts and begin to exercise. Some people prefer to saddle themselves with debt to buy a house full of furniture rather than buy furniture as they can afford it or to buy a new car they could easily do without. And so the stories go. We want what we want - now.           

I even think I see a lot of anger in today's world that is tied to the same thing. Petty people get mad at the good fortune of others. They want immediately what someone else attained over time. Immature people want the recognition and life status other people earned over years, but they want it on a silver platter - today.           

We laugh at the bumpkin who thought an elevator was a magic box that made old into young, stooped into sprightly, and plain into stylish. Maybe we should be laughing at ourselves. Going to college doesn't make one wise. Driving an expensive car doesn't confer refinement or personality. Living in an exclusive part of town says nothing about the happiness of the people who live in its newest and nicest house. And going to church doesn't confer spirituality.           

Authentic change in looks, lifestyle, and personality takes place over time. If there is an outcome you'd like, the surest way to achieve it is not to waste your money on dangerous pills or to squander it on lottery tickets. Set a worthy goal, identify the incremental steps necessary to get there, and begin your journey. Know in advance that the wisdom, discipline, and understanding that come from the journey are equally as valuable as anything at its end.

Rubel Shelly

Rubel Shelly is a Preacher and Professor of Religion and Philosophy located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. In addition to church and academic responsibilities, he has worked actively with such community projects as Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, From Nashville With Love, Metro (Nashville) Public Schools, Faith Family Medical Clinic, and Operation Andrew Ministries. To learn more about Rubel please go to:

What did you hear for yourself in this story?  My message for you. . it's time, it's time for you to change the feelings of making yourself wrong, feeling shame, fear and frustration about finances.  What purpose does it serve? What I know is those feelings keep you going in circles. Shame, fear, guilt, frustration, you hide, shame fear, guilt, frustration, you hide.
Step out if the circle and CHOOSE, make a DECISION to learn to be with business finances in a new light, heck even personal finances. You think it's hard because you make it hard.  Keep it simple and easy.  It's about taking one step, one small step to moving forward.
When you allow yourself to feel where you are right now in this moment and each moment you value YOU, you acknowledge YOU. Through the process of allowing yourself to feel, you will learn more about self acceptance.

Questions or have a comment to share, leave it below or reach out and ask for help, e-mail me at Debbie Rosenfelt, Chief Heart Officer.
I hear what you don't see or notice for you.
Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, June 15, 2012


A short story to tribute dad's . .. . HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD'S

The Best Dad

Years ago I heard a story of a dad named Paul who gave his young son a small chalkboard to practice writing on. One evening his son called out from the bedroom, “Dad, how do you spell best?”

Paul answered him. Moments later, the boy hollered, “How do you spell kid?”

Finally he asked, “How do you spell ever?”

When the boy showed him what he’d written on the chalkboard, Paul expected to see “I’m the best kid ever.” Instead, the boy beamed as Paul read the message: “You’re the best dad a kid can ever have.”

Paul recalled that it was one of the best days of his life. In fact, he had to buy his son another chalkboard because he wanted to save this message forever and hang it on his wall. It’s still there.

Feeling appreciated is enormously important to adults as well as children. So much so that we often don’t think enough about what we’d most like to be appreciated for.

Being appreciated at work is a big deal. Who doesn’t want approval and respect from one’s boss and coworkers? Beyond the economic value of raises, promotions, and commendations, praise can be gratifying and motivating. That’s why good employers look for opportunities to acknowledge and thank employees for their contributions.

Yet as meaningful as work recognition is, if you could choose between winning your child’s “Best Mom/Dad a Kid Can Ever Have” award and being named “Best Employee,” which would you choose?

The point is not to belittle the pursuit of approval in your business life but to remind you how much more meaningful it is to know you’re important to and appreciated by the people who love and need you the most. Your most important job in life is to be worthy of that appreciation.

Being the “best ever” mom or dad, husband or wife, or friend – it doesn’t get any better than that.

Michael Josephson  

A tribute of heartfelt appreciation to my dad, Ken Petersen . . dad I love you and appreciate you for a life time.
I appreciate you and I am honored to be following you in your foot steps to be an entrepreneur.
Love Debbie -

A final note, know that you are all important and appreciated for who you are. We need YOU!  Each and every one of you.
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Each morning I have a ritual of caring for me . . take my vitamins, recite a gratitude prayer from the Four Agreements, go to the gym and work out with my trainer or without, come home feed the cats, grab a bite to eat, mediate and read a few inspiring words to support my day.

Below is Monday's reading from Science of Mind and as I read I thought of us . . Entrepreneurs

The mind can calculate, but the spirit yearns,
and the heart knows what the heart knows.
Stephen King

Since we cannot contract the Absolute,
we shall have to expand the relative.
The Science of Mind, page 405

Logic and magic: life is equal parts of either. Their order is reversible.
Sometimes, we cobble together some scheme using our logical
and logistical faculties, later to realize, when our clever thinking will
take us no further, “This is going to take a miracle.” Other times,
we’re thunderstruck by a knowing in the heart, and then have to
start framing out all the practical details. We do not have two separate
mental compartments for logic and magic; they’re more like
two programs in the same computer—one that analyzes data, and
the other that converts that data into sounds, colors, and sensations
to dazzle the senses. We would not be a whole self without both.
Proably, we have a bias toward one way of operating or the
other, so our learning comes in the form of trusting that both our
logical and magical worldviews will justify themselves. The heart
does what it does, and it may take a while for the head to catch up.
The head sets a direction, and it may then take a while for the heart
to buy into it. When they operate smoothly in tandem, we hunker
down, do the math, and then reach into seemingly empty space to
draw in some quality or ingredient that completes the picture. To
balance these energies in our lives, we need only trust that we are
already doing so. SOM June 11, 2012

We have our dreams and desires which can be magical and then, there is logic as well . .

It just so happens at this time Chase bank and Living Social are sponsoring a grant pool of $3 million dollars to be shared among 12 small businesses that are chosen by a panel. The twelve will each receive $250k to grow and expand their business.  An amazing opportunity, isn't it? Any business may complete and submit the application then find 250 people to vote for their business.  It is a gateway to make sure those who are serious about the opportunity to earn their chance.

I applied for the gym, SNAP Fitness in Edmonds, WA last Sunday, June 10th and I have been vying for votes, via FaceBook, Twitter, asking family, friends, members of the gym and business colleagues for votes.  This is an experience of dedication and commitment, supporting other entrepreneurs by sharing votes with each other, creating conversations of support and camaraderie. People having faith, voting before they receive a vote, others saying, I will vote for you only if you vote for me.  I just vote away and give so everyone has a chance to receive a shot of 250 votes. Know the 250 votes, only give eligibility, there is no guarantee. this is where the magic will come in for the fortunate 12. Yet look at the community this $3 million grant has created.  Entrepreneurs, very open and loving to support each other with an opportunity that can feel magical.

Entrepreneurs naturally hold the space of magic, listening to our intuition, listening to a sense or feeling inside that says how can I not do this and then logic what do I need to do.

The 12 entrepreneurs who receive the grant will be elated, excited and will need to logically plan out how to best utilize the money for their business if they have not done so already.  There was a question in the application that asked, "What will you do with the money."

As your Chief Heart Officer, I encourage every entrepreneur to commit to creating a solid organized financial foundation, to track the investment and how it is utilized. 

Note: a 1099 will be issued to the grant winners by Chase bank for the $250k, and income tax will be paid on the net profits for that year.  Best of luck to every business owner and entrepreneur. Make sure you are prepared with an action plan and strategy of how you will use the money.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

PS - Please vote for SNAP Fitness in Edmonds, WA at Mission Small Business and all other businesses that you would like to support with votes.