So here we are, six days into 2012. The truth is that every minute of every day is an opportunity to "begin again". It is filled with new opportunities to think differently and to be different. You don't have to repeat the past. Stop. . . right now . . YES, right now and take a deep breath.
So I ask . . what do you need? What do you need right now to say ok . . I am going to do this. I am committed to organizing my business finances.
Steps I have shared so far to get you on the road, keep personal finances and business finances separate. Open a business checking and savings account. Apply for a credit card in your business name.
A word of caution, DO NOT, comingle personal funds with business funds. It leaves room for the IRS to disallow an expense for your business if you are even audited.
Next step, separate income receipts, and expense receipts. Income is the revenue your business earns and the expenses are what you spend money on to maintain your business.
Now let's get your revenue and expenses organized.
Find and setup a system that is easy to use and maintain. Setting up a system properly is the key to keeping it simple and easy.
I use and recommend QuickBooks, it is easy and a simple system. Yes, there are other simple systems, you just have to find one that works best for you and that will provide support. Support is key.
Step one setup for QuickBooks -
Start by creating the chart of accounts for your business. A chart of accounts is like a story book of the financial events that occur in your business.
The benefit of of having a Chart of Accounts is tracking revenue and expenses. You will learn and see which products and services are generating the most or least revenue and expenses tell you where you are spending the least and most of money on your business.
Example - If your business has several different products or services, you can set up the Chart of Accounts to reflect as much detail as you want.
Let me give you a couple of samples from businesses that I work with -
Retail business - cards, clothing, gifts, jewelry.
Gym business - Memberships, Single, joint, family, tanning, Key cards, etc.
Service business that offers products, coaching, product #1, product #2, etc.
Your easy homework assignment - create a list of products and or services that you offer and that you want to track. We will use this information for creating a chart of accountsfor your business.
Next week, I will cover examples of expenses.
One last tip for today - when you create a deposit, photo copy the deposit slip and checks to keep track of all money coming in.
The benefit, having the backup/support for each deposit allows you to go back and see the actual deposit if your account does not balance at the end of the month.
Repeat after me "Cash is KING" and you want to track cash accurately.
Have a PASSIONATE filled weekend and I will connect with you next week.
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