"When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability. . . . .To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeline L'Engle
When I read this over the weekend, I thought of us, you and me and the topic around finances, the heart of our business.
There is an illusion of vulnerability when asking for help around finances. Even when we admit "I don't know how to ...... (insert here) or I don't know where to start . . . . (insert that here)
Somewhere along our journey of life we were taught vulnerability is a weakness. So then there is this illusion of "I have to protect" . . . . my ego, my heart . . . (insert what needs to be protected here).
It is a mistake to think that vulnerability is a weakness. Being vulnerable means being open and receptive. And to remain open to our journey of life with our business requires strength and conscious action. Openness and receptivity invites what shows up in our lives to flow.
Have you ever noticed, what you resist, persists?
And when you resist emotions of frustration, irritation, and disappointment, the feeling of helplessness appears. I read in the January 7th, 2012 Science of the Mind daily guide, "Emotions were designed to emote, as an outward expression of your soul's feelings for the human experience. They allow you to experience life in an intimate and personal way."
Hear this . . .There is no right or wrong, good or bad emotion.
When we allow our emotions and vulnerability to flow, we are allowing life to flow and open up to be with what is.
How does this relate to finances, the heart of your business?
There is vulnerability when we don't know how our business is performing. Tools or key performance indicators (KPI's) that are used to measure performance with business finances are, Revenue , how much $$ in sales is my business bringing in, expenses, how much $$ is my business spending, and profit/loss, how much is my business producing in earnings or losing?
A few other measurements - how much in cash do I have in my accounts? Are my bank account balances matched to my book balances? Do I have enough cash to cover upcoming expenses? What do I need to grow my business?
Using specific systems and tools to project a specific outcome and/or see how your business is performing is the key to the heart of your business.
So what do you need? What is your next step? Ask yourself, what do I want to do differently around my business finances? What new habit do I want to create that will help me build a new muscle and confidence?
When you make a commitment to learn something new and choose to be with and do your finances differently, mountains will move for you. I promise!
Are you ready for mountains to move?
Below is a contract for you to copy and paste, print and sign to get yourself started. Hang it on your office wall, or by your computer, somewhere you can see it that will remind you of the commitment you made to yourself.
Want some kickass accountability, e-mail me your commitment and we will start a conversation.
What a GREAT way to begin a new week and on a Monday!
Your Chief Heart Officer - Debbie
I hereby promise that I will commit my greatest effort to build a successful solid organized financial foundation for the heart of my business once and for all, by treating my business with the priority and importance it deserves, and honoring my commitments to myself to do what it takes to succeed.
Promised this ______ day of _________________, 20___
Signed by _____________________________________
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