Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Have you ever been in a job, relationship or pattern of behavior that used to bring you pleasure but is no longer satisfying? 

Nothing has changed except you: you are bored, antsy or are witnessing a yearning, a hunger for some part of your life to be different. That is actually good!  It's called divine discontent.  It often comes right before a big shift or next step: it's Spirit nudging your forward.
Divine discontent happens when something new beckons, and you are hesitating.  You are trying to find satisfaction in a world that's too small for you.  You want to stay there because it's familiar and yet it no longer serves you.  It's like a chick in an egg.  First, it's comforting, and then as the chick grows, it feels cramped and prays for a bigger egg.  however it's the Universe's intention for the egg to crack open and the chick to find a new expansive world outside.
Are you noticing your egg is cracking? Are you being nudged? Experiencing divine discontent?
Ask yourself, have I settled for a life that feels cramped?  If so, what's stopping me from breaking out and moving forward? Fear? Procrastination? Habit? Trust that you're OK and then take tiny steps.  Say YES instead of No.  Don't settle.  It's never too late. You are not too old, too unhealthy, too broke, or too wounded to start.  Remember that chick mentioned earlier?  We can learn from her.  What is one small step you'll take this week to begin cracking the shell?   (Excerpt from Science of Mind, March 26th, 2013.)
What are you yearning for to be different?

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt

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