Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Welcome to today's easy CFO tip, to help you organize your business financial records.

Today's tip is about setting up file folders for your business for 2012.
This past weekend I created 2012 file folders for my businesses financial records and my clients.  I picked up manila folders and I have a label maker and I created labels for:

Checking statements
Savings statements
Credit card statements for
            American Express
            Bank of America
A/P paid
2012 Deposits.

I made it easy by placing my business name at the top and then placed the description below.
For example:
Financial Mapping LLC (Insert your business name here)
2012 Deposits

An additional tip for deposits, photo copy the deposit slip and bank checks received before taking it to the bank.  Tape or staple the bank receipt to the photcopy  confirming the deposit was made, and stick it in the folder.  Anytime you have a question for a spcific customer payment you are able to go to the file folder.
Also any payment received from third party vendors, such as PayPal or a credit card company, print off the receipt and place it in your payment folder.  You will then have all deposits in your account nicely organized.
Make sure to add a tick mark or some type of indicator that you entered the deposit in to QuickBooks.
This was Tuesday CFO tip.  Was this helpful and easy?
Leave a comment, question or suggestion to let me know what easy financial tips you would like to hear about at the bottom of this blog.

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Friday, February 24, 2012


A few thoughts to share . . I have been working away in the background seeking and searching what to share with all of you that will help you with your business finances.  For me it's not about telling you what to do, I want to lead you as I know you just want direction, support and learn what the next step is for your business finances.

In the 28 years I have worked with many CEO's, entrepreneurs and small business owners, to stay afloat, make sound business decisions, the bottom line is, business finances need to be organized.

With that said, I am struggling, thinking "am I sharing the right message?", do they hear me, what more do business owners want to hear, what does my community need to hear. Struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle. . .  does this sound or feel familiar?? 

And when I woke up this morning I walked thru my morning ritual of vitamins (usually at the gym, didn't go this morning as my body is feeling yesterday's workout with my trainer) feeding the cats, reciting my "Gratitude Prayer" from the Four Agreements By Don Ruiz, read the daily message from the Science of Mind an last read my morning inspiration.  Since it is Friday, I receive a "Friday story" and it is exactly what I needed for me.  If I needed it, I thought possibly a few of you might like to hear it, so I am passing it on to you.  PLUS, I am committed to sharing an inspired story with YOU each Friday, so you have something to look forward to, just as I do.

As you read this, think of where you are right now, and breathe it in, soak it in and hold the space for you, just allow the beingness of right now to be ok.  Happy Friday!

Keep Pressing On

A famous mountain climbing resort in the Swiss Alps caters to businesses that encourage their employees to hike up the mountain trails together. The goal is to build camaraderie and to teach teamwork. Although it is about an eight hour trek to the summit, anyone in reasonably good shape can ascend to the top. In the morning, the hikers gather at the base of the mountain for a pep talk before starting the climb. Usually the group is so excited, they can hardly wait to head up the slopes, have a group picture taken, and celebrate the excitement of the journey they are embarking upon.

They hike for several hours before taking a break. Approximately halfway up the mountain stands a quaint alpine restaurant. About noon, the weary hikers trudge into the restaurant, peel off their hiking gear, and plop down by the fireplace to have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and eat their lunch. With the mountain as their backdrop, the hikers savor the warm, cozy, picturesque setting.

Interestingly, after they are full and comfortable, fewer than half the hikers choose to continue climbing to the top of the mountain. It isn't because they aren't able; it isn't because the climb suddenly appears too difficult. Their reluctance to continue is simply because they are satisfied with where they are. They've lost their drive to excel, to explore a new horizon, and to experience vistas they'd never previously imagined possible. They have tasted a bit of success, and they think it is good enough.

Many times, we approach life a lot like those full and comfortable hikers sitting in the restaurant enjoying the view. We have a goal to break a bad habit, to lose some weight, or to pay off our credit cards. At first, we're so excited. We're fired up and we go after it! The first leg of the climb up the mountain is powered by enthusiasm for our new goal. But over time, we get lazy and complacent. Maybe we see a little improvement, but then we get comfortable right where we are. This might not be a bad place, but we know it's not where we're supposed to be. Like those hikers sitting in that quaint restaurant, we are still perfectly capable of craning our necks and looking up the mountain. We're not stretching our faith or our potential and we know it. Maybe you own a business, and you've experienced a bit of success. Lately, however, you've been coasting. Or maybe you set out to lose 20 pounds, you lose 10, and feel like all is good and you get complacent. Don 't stop halfway just because it's easy! Instead, remember what it is that you really, really want. Put out the effort and go the whole way. to the top of the mountain.

Step out of your comfort zone today! Keep pursuing and keep believing. It doesn't take any more effort to believe and stay filled with hope and faith than it does to develop a negative and defeated attitude. Get up every day and say, "This is going to be a great day! I believe my dreams are coming to pass. There are great things in store for me and everyone around me." When you have that kind of attitude you are releasing God's goodness. But it doesn't come easily.

People who see their dreams come to pass are people who have resolve and backbone. They are the ones who refuse to settle for the little victories along the way and see themselves at the finish line, instead continuing on, pushing on toward the ultimate goal. No one wants to be mediocre. You are made for so much more. Realize that what your mind focuses on, it can achieve. It is up to you. Pay attention only to those silent whispers within that say "You can do it!"

Linda McLean

Linda McLean is an internationally respected business and life coach. Her company, http://www.mcleaninternational.com/, helps businesses and individuals reach their next level using a customized solution-oriented approach to business and life planning. This story was from her newly released book: Next Level Living: Today's Guide for Abundant Life. Next Level Living

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Watch this video to see a great example of a FUN-nancial tool that is the single most meaningful measurement tool in business.  The tool,TTM - which stands for trailing twelve month map.  It's a rolling annual total map that reads instantly and true for every key business indicator. This tool is used to measure the performance of sales, expenses, profits, etc.  The video will share with you the purpose of this GREAT tool, how to use this tool, and the three questions you should ask as you are reviewing the results.

As I shared in the video, I am PASSIONATE about business and finances. 
I LOVE revealing results that informs you of what is possible for the heart of your business. Transforming financial frustration into financial power.

What results would be revealed on a Trailing Twelve Month map for your business?

Was this video and tool helpful for you and the heart of your business?  Share a comment below or a question, or e-mail me at d.rosenfelt@cfomadeeasy.com.

Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My husband and I are business partners with my son, Bryan.  He purchased a franchise, in October 2007 and started the business from the ground up.

The first couple of years were financially and emotionally tough.  This was during the downturn of the economy and my son Ken, (Bryan's brother) passed away. 
The business opened in February 2008 with enough cash to operate for the first 8 months, or so we thought with the projections we created.  Revenue was not pouring in as we had projected.  With revenue not supporting the business expenses, Bryan had to stop taking a pay check in June 2008.
The challenge - growing a business to be cash flow positive.  2009 sales were growing at a snails pace and rent was increasing 3%, beginning March 1st.  OUCH!
Bryan trimmed expenses down to the bare minimum.  For this franchise business, there were not very many expenses.  Yet the rent was running at about 45%.  YOWZA!!  That was the only expense left to trim down.
In February 2009, we went to our landlord (at the time, that's another story on a different day) and asked for a reduction in rent. 
YES, you ask, if you don't ask, you don't get.
He said "No", "however you can pay us half rent, and then pay us back with interest at the second half of the year."  We explained that Bryan stopped paying himself in May of 2008 and we needed his help.  The landlord explained times were tough for them as well.  That was the best they could do at the time.  We said, OK, we will make it work, sales needed to grow.
Sales were growing, yet not fast enough to pay the increased rent and salary for the owner.
When July rolled around, the business started paying back the landlord in increments of $1,000 a month, or more when the cash was there.  However, when cash was still tight, my business was able to provide a loan when bills needed to be paid.  I'm not talking much here.  $1,000 here or there. 
In November 2009 when the property taxes were due, there was enough left over at the end of the month to pay the taxes. Here comes December 2009 , at the home stretch of paying back the landlord.  We were not quite there, so one more time we provided a small loan to pay off the balance to the landlord.  I sent him a letter explaining the business was not in a financial position to pay the balance of the interest, yet the principal was paid off.  Whewwww. What a relief. It felt good to ahve that behind us.
We went back to the landlord again in January 2010 requesting a reduction of rent, he conceded and lowered the rent to a very reasonable amount.  From then on the business has been carrying itself with Bryan receiving a pay check again.
In 2011 the business began paying back the loans my business provided.
So last night, Bryan and I sat down to review January's cash #'s to balance the cash account, compare sales from the previous year and see what was left over to pay down the business credit card.  Once we confirmed the cash ending balance, Bryan took a HUGE sigh of relief and said, - let' put $1k in savings, pay down the credit card by $2k and leave the balance in the account for February.
What are the benefits for managing cash daily; peace of mind, the facts jack, (knowledge) the ability to know what is needed to pay down your business credit card or vendors and place money in savings.
Here's how to get started, track cash daily with the 12 month check register tool, and cash management map.  Enter in deposits daily, NO slacking, and transactions daily.  Once you build rhythm and see common recurring monthly charges, such as rent, utilities, loan payment(s), commisions and payroll, make it easy for yourself and copy over to the next month.
What will you learn about your cash needs for your business?
Was this tip helpful?  Leave your questions below or e-mail me directly at d.rosenfelt@cfomadeeasy.com

Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Monday, February 6, 2012

The ABC's of the Heart of Your Business Finances

Let's keep this easy. 
What do you need to get started on the heart of your business finances?

Awareness - Make a decision to consciously learn and understand the heart of your finances.

Build Confidence - Create new daily habits to embrace the heart of your finances. 

Clarity - When we are clear about what we want we can create a plan to manifest our financial goals for our business. When we have a good plan there is no way to fail.

What do you need to get started?

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

Compassionate support that transforms financial frustration into financial power.