Thursday, November 27, 2014


During my morning practice on this Thanksgiving Day, I read a passage on resilience from Oprah's book, 'What I know for Sure"  (I shared below)

It made me reflect on how I am grateful for the last two years as I made a decision to take on fear.  I found myself tired of operating from fear based on peoples words or my wild thoughts.

What did I do?  I studied fear ..  I leaned into fear and I got curious.  I asked myself internally, what do I need for myself to get beyond fear.  . in anything.  I also asked, what am I learning from fear?  I came to the understanding that when I and others are scared, and not feeling safe, we will use words to create an illusion of battle or protection.  I was experiencing this with myself and others.

So I bought a couple of books - "Fear" Essential Wisdom For Getting Through theStorm" by Thich Nhat Hanh and Gabrielle Bernstein's book - May Cause Miracles. I read, reflected on each word that spoke to me every day for 40 days.  Pretty powerful stuff.

So I offer this, when you operate from fear . . stop and ask yourself, what do I need to get beyond fear?  and What am I learning from fear.  . then listen to the little voice inside, reflect, be curious and study for YOU and see what you need for yourself to move beyond fear.

Happy Thanksgiving.  I am grateful for you.

Warmly -

What I know for Sure - Oprah Winfrey

Every challenge we take on has the power to knock us on our knees.  But what's even more disconcerting than the jolt itself is our fear that we won't withstand it. When we feel the ground beneath us shifting, we panic.We forget everything we know and allow fear to freeze us. Just the thought of what could happen is enough to throw us off balance.

What I know for sure is that the only way to endure the quake is to adjust your stance.  You can't avoid the daily tremors.  They come with being alive.  But I believe these experiences are gifts that force us to step to the right or left in search of a new center of gravity.  Don't fight them.  Let them help you adjust your footing.
Balance lives in the present.  When you feel the earth moving, bring yourself back to the now.  You'll handle whatever shake-up the next moment brings when you get to it.  In this moment, you're still breathing.  In this moment, you've survived.  In this moment, you're finding a way to step onto higher ground.

Friday, October 17, 2014


"Gross revenue means nothing if, at the end of the day, you have no operating cash." ~ MIKE MICHALOWIZ

For a good twenty plus years, I managed cash daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at the privately held companies I worked for.  Consistently working cash flow so we were prepared for anything.
Step three for managing cash is using a 52-week cash flow projections.
This is a 52 week spreadsheet that tracks cash receivables coming in and cash payables going out. Cash Receivables are listed at the top. You can create a variety of categories for cash coming in.  Examples, receivables from various areas of the business, coaching, products,, events, and seminars, etc.  Cash going out categories, inventory, then list your various vendors if that is how you want to track purchases. Commissions, payments to contractors, weekly or bi-weekly payroll, plus normal monthly expenses, rent, utilities, electricity, natural gas, phone, internet, water, lease payments, car payments.  The 52 week cash flow spreadsheet is a cash story book, it tells you where you have been, how you performed and the variances that have occurred, which will allow you to realign how you are managing cash.  At the end of the spread sheet it tells you if there is lots of cash left over for the following week, or not enough to cover you, so then you can plan to borrow or adjust what will go out.
Why manage cash weekly? This is the path that provides knowledge and direction for your financial goals for your business and life. This is a tool used to see where you are and where you are heading at all times. Knowledge is power. Mapping out cash coming in and going out weekly, allows you to see and plan what is needed.
A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?
Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. Cash is worked daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.  Cash is the lifeblood of every business. If you don't manage the cash coming in from accounts receivable and going out, accounts payable you run the risk of putting yourself out of business.  When you don't manage sales and accounts receivable you run the risk of missing income. (See previous post ) If you are not managing your expenses. i.e. accounts payable you can run the risk of negative circumstances where you have to scramble.  The numbers are only information, with that information, you make choices and decisions how to move forward.
Business's fail with poor cash flow management, so why run the risk?
As I have shared in earlier posts, create that new muscle, a new habit and learn how to work your cash flow differently.  Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily and weekly forces you to look at and plan.  You are the CEO of your business and the CFO. Lead your finances as you lead your business.
Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.
Creating simple, easy baby step habits opens the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Get in to action, and get cracking on managing your cash every single freaking day. Do you get my drift.  Your business will grow, grow, grow and so will you when you manage what matters.  CASH is KING!  If you have any questions or need help with managing your cash, reach out and ask for help, e-mail me at to set up an appointment to discuss your needs.

Warmly -
Debbie Rosenfelt
President / CFO / Leader-of-the-Heart

Friday, October 10, 2014


For a good twenty years, I managed cash daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly at privately held companies I worked for.  Consistently working cash flow so we were prepared for anything.

Step two for managing cash is using a weekly cash management tool.
This is a 52 week spreadsheet that tracks cash flow going in and coming out of your bank accounts. General checking, payroll account (If you have a separate account) savings account, and line of credit. In addition, this spreadsheet tracks accounts receivable, account payable and any credit card debt you may carry. 
Using this tool will have you looking at your accounts consistently and the tool allows you to manage and plan, when you need borrow from a line of credit, pay down the line, and or transfer money into savings.
For the gym, we have a savings account and we sock $500 to $1000 each month to cover the semi-annual real estate property taxes.  In addition, if there is more than enough we will put additional funds aside to cover new equipment for the gym.

Why manage cash weekly? This is the path that provides knowledge and direction for your financial goals for your business. This is so you know where you have been, where you are and see where you are heading at all times. Knowledge is power. Mapping out cash coming in and going out weekly, allows you to see and plan what is needed.

A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?

Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. Cash is worked daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly.  Cash is the lifeblood of every business. If you don't manage the cash coming in from accounts receivable and going out, accounts payable you run the risk of putting yourself out of business.  When you don't manage sales and accounts receivable you run the risk of missing income. (See previous post ) If you are not managing your expenses. i.e. accounts payable you can run the risk of negative circumstances where you have to scramble.  The numbers are only information, with that information, you make choices and decisions how to move forward.

A short story about cash flow. Back in 2008 I was working with a company that sold goods wholesale to large retailers.  There was one company that we had to constantly monitor as there were rumbles of bankruptcy in the air. Frightening, especially when there was over $500k in outstanding receivables. They continued to make promises to pay, however at the end of June we were notified they filed for bankruptcy protection. 

The good news, we had one advantage, our product the business was selling, was their best seller. They needed our product.  I immediately created a letter to the President of the company that filed bankruptcy stating all sales will be paid in advance by a wire. The President agreed. How did we do with cash flow? The cash sales from the bankrupt company funded our growth as the business grew 74% that year. You need cash to grow.

Your business will fail with poor cash flow management, so why run the risk?
Create that new muscle, a new habit and learn how to work your cash flow differently.  Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily and weekly forces you to look at and plan.  You are the CEO of your business and the CFO. Lead your finances as you lead your business.

Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.Creating simple, easy baby step habits opens the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Next is step three - Cash Flow Management - Planning and mapping out sales i.e accounts receivable, expenses, i.e. accounts payable and credit card debt weekly.

Get in to action, and get cracking on managing your cash daily. If you have any questions or need help with managing your cash, reach out and ask for help, e-mail me at to set up an appointment to discuss your needs.
Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I was reminded back in the summer of 2012 in a blog post by Jeff Walker, creating success happens in baby steps.  I needed that reminder today, to remind myself I am on a journey to building my business and it doesn't happen overnight . . although I would LOVE the success to happen yesterday. A heartfelt YES, and you?
So I thought, why not create a post that supports you the leader, entrepreneur, business owner, CEO, a baby step action plan for managing the heart of your business, cash.
Step #1 - Manage cash daily. 
How you ask?
With the daily, 12 month cash register.
Why manage cash daily? This is the path that provides direction for your financial goals for your business. This is so you know where you are at all times, and so you see where you are heading. Mapping out cash coming in and going out daily, allows you to see and plan what is needed. You know when monthly recurring bills and loan payments happen, so map it out and plan how much cash you need daily..
A question I am constantly asked - Why do I need to manage cash flow daily when I use QuickBooks.?
Great question - the answer - CASH is KING. Cash is worked daily, you need to know how much cash you have on hand at all times. YES, that means creating a new muscle, a new habit if you want to figure out how to work your cash flow differently.  Cash happens right now, in this very moment when you receive a payment or are purchasing goods or services. Working cash daily forces you to look at and think of what is coming up next. If it is next week, the end of the month, next month or next quarter, etc.
When I was working with the privately held corporations, as the CFO I worked and planned cash daily, always looking at each day, each week, each month and each year. My team worked on and updated the financials in the accounting software used. AR, AP, monthly transactions, etc were worked on thru out the month.  Cash and financials are two different animals, cash is cash and financials are the whole picture of the financial story for the business.
Even now, with our gym business, we manage cash daily with the daily cash register. IT's like a checkbook in Excel, that holds 12 months of info in one workbook. Each month has it's own tab, and each worksheet is linked to the next. Every day we look at cash and manage it daily. Each day's deposits are mapped out and updated daily at the end of the day or the next morning. Recurring payments such as payroll, trainers commissions, monthly loan payments, purchasing supplies and advertising. By doing this we are able to make a decision how much to transfer to savings each month.  We put aside the bi-annual property tax payments or plan for additional equipment purchases.  I also balance the bank statement to the daily cash register which is a check and balance system for balancing cash to QuickBooks at the end of the month.
Remember, CASH is KING, so you need to know where you are at all times.
Creating simple, easy baby step habits opens the door to new possibilities for you and your business.
Next, I will share step two - Managing cash weekly with the cash management register.
Get in to action, and get cracking on managing your cash daily. If you have any questions or need help with managing your cash, reach out and ask for help, e-mail me at to set up an appointment to discuss your needs.
Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt MBA CPCC
President / CFO.

Monday, August 4, 2014


The past couple of days I have come across either a book speaking to beliefs or an article or people sharing about the concept of beliefs.
Yesterday, I heard:
"We don't believe what we say we believe, we really live out what we believe." 
How thought provoking, and so true.  What is reflected back to me is what I believe.
Then I read yesterday's daily guide from Science of Mind:
Our beliefs truly do shape our perceptions and our world. We do not get what we think we deserve, but we always get what we believe. If we believe we are entitled to something, we typically create a whole internal narrative to support that idea. If we believe the world is not safe, we will begin to gather evidence to support this theory and then go about building the structures and protection around us to assure our survival.
Or, if we believe we are supported and loved not for any achievement or accomplishment, but because our Divine nature is one of love, creativity and supply, we then make ourselves available for a whole new experience of life. If I accept the premise that I am not alive to compete and battle others, but rather to collaborate and create, I begin to see the world in a whole different light. I start to dismantle my agreements with struggle and open myself to possibility and joyful expectation.
Believing I deserve something without doing the required work to shift my beliefs and behavior to right alignment with that which I desire always creates disappointment. It is always the consciousness beneath the thought that gives it life and form.
To shift any condition in my life, I must start with what I believe about that condition and then engage in the spiritual practices that give birth to newness.  (Excerpt from Science of Mind, August 3rd, 2014)
There is so much opportunity available here to ponder. Ask yourself, what is being reflected back to you that is based on your beliefs?  Is there something showing up that you absolutely appreciate, or don't want?
Search deep inside and spend a few minutes in quiet stillness and ask, how is my belief reflecting back.  Be aware, everything encountered has been created with a conscious or unconscious agreement

You have everything you need readily available to you to appreciate your belief, or to create a new belief, a new perspective.

What belief do you appreciate?
What belief do you want to change?

Enjoy this day, as you believe.

Warmly - Debbie

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our belief is that anything the mind can think, it can unthank.

”The Science of Mind,” page 86

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Questions, Questions, Questions

What business or financial questions have been sitting in the back of your mind that you have been wanting answered?

I created the CFO Made Easy Q&A Test Pilot for small business owners to get support.  to get those questions answered.

There will be a series of 4 weekly calls, beginning Friday July 11th at 11AM PDT running through Friday, August 1st..

What burning questions could be on your mind?

What is the difference between Profit and loss versus cash flow?

How should I manage my cash flow?

How often should I review my bank account?

How do I find a bookkeeper to enter my invoices and expenses?

What is a chart of accounts?

How do I go about getting a business loan?

That is just a few that you may have on your mind that you want answers for from an expert.

Register here to get your questions answered .. Ask CFO Made Easy

Talk to you on Friday. #AskCFOMadeEasy

Warmly -


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Do you have a vision that needs to be communicated and you don't know how?  How do you want to communicate your vision?

A few thoughts and provoking questions for you to ponder.

Everybody has 3 fundamental needs.

1. To believe: All human hearts need to have faith in something or someone.

2. To belong: All human hearts need to experience community and family.

3. To become: All human hearts need to grow stretch and reach their potential.
What does your heart believe?  How do you hold faith in your vision of your business?

What does a community look like for you in your business? What is needed to create a community so you feel your vision is supported?

How are you being stretched to reach your vision?  Are you growing personally?  Is your business growing?  How?  What is different?  What do you want to be different? 
What does potential look like for you? Where do you start? Start with your values. What does potential of your vision look like for your business?  Where do you start?
Start with your values.

Want to brainstorm . . need direction . . .reach out and ask.

Warmly - Debbie