Saturday, July 6, 2013


Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.  Anaïs Nin

Fear is an inevitable part of the landscape of our existence.  We have the results if billions of years of biological evolution built into every cell, every organ, and every system within the body.  Fear is an essential quality in the physical world, whether it is the awareness of danger or an encounter of with an unknown.  Fear just is.
So our goal cannot be to eliminate fear.  That would be like trying to eliminate skin - impossible.  What we must learn to do is to take greater dominion over our inner processes, including the fear response.  One way to do this is to develop courage.  Courage is also part of the landscape of our existence - another evolutionary gift from the ages.  Courage is the capacity to override fear where appropriate.  Courage is never present unless fear is also present.  every courageous act that we admire is performed by someone who overcomes fear.  And in order to overcome fear, we have to experience fear.  I have tired, but I cannot find a way around this.  We move through the fear, let the inner power express, and the experience is transformed.
So courage and fear are inseparable.  These two qualities go together.  As we develop the capacity to express courage, we do not rid ourselves of fear; we become the master of fear.  That is what we are to do in this life. (Science of Mind Magazine, July 2013, Jim Lockard; page 42)

Read this the other day and I felt one of my deeper inquiries was answered.  Last December I made an internal decision to conquer my fear as I am just tired of it.  It's paralyzing effects where it just stops me in my tracks.  I purchased quite a few books on "Fear" (Fear Thich Nhat Hanh,  The Transformation, Ainslie MacLeod, May Cause Miracles - A 42 Day Guide book, Gabrielle Berstein) to help me get to the point that I could stand on the top of the world and shout out.  . "I have CONQUERED you fear, Dam it."
Yet what I have noticed, I have read, listened, acknowledged and practiced recognizing what my fear is and just being with it.  Asking myself, "what am I learning about me and fear?"  What is needed?  I learned for me, it takes courage and compassion to stand up to fear.  With courage and compassion for self, I have developed a deeper connection and understanding of me.
Now learning that fear and courage are two qualities that hold hands and  that I will not rid myself of fear, I am able to be more purposeful when fear pops up.  I will ask myself, is this true fear of danger ahead, or is it because of the unknown.
Take time for yourself with courage and inquire deep within you what is your fear.  Know there is nothing to fix, just be curious to explore what it would take for you to move forward, if you feel stuck or paralyzed.
May this affirmation speak to you:
" I am a being of great courage.  I know that my inner strength is unlimited.  I face my fears from a place of deep knowing that there is more to me than fear -infinitely more."
Warmly -

Debbie Rosenfelt
Chief Heart Officer

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