Happy Friday !! It's been an exciting week . . .
I received a phone call the other night from a client I have
been working with since December. She was
so excited . . first she thanked me for asking her the question "when are
you implementing?" then she continued to share she signed a new contract
with a former client at her new pricing structure.
I am THRILLED for her, to see her achieve her DREAMS.. . and
as I shared with her. . we did the work
to create the model, (the motivator), she set the intention of what she wanted,
then lead the direction and the path she wanted to go. The end result, she is tripling her income in
2012. This is no small feat. This is HUGE, close to 7 figures HUGE.
How cool is that???
What did we do you ask?
We created revenue projections for 2012.
First step - we determined her products, prices and units. Each product had its own separate line on the
model, with price and then units by month. In this case the units were
hours. She is a service provider and there
are so many hours in a day, so you calculate the number of hours you are
willing to work each day, multiply it out by the number of days you work in a
week and then how many weeks in a month.
Make sure to adjust for the weeks and months you take off for conferences, vacation and holidays. Yes, you can plan your time off and see the impact right there. No guessing or waiting. Make sense?
Now it's not only to calculate the numbers, this is used to
create a conversation around, how much do I want to spend in a day working with
clients, what am I charging, do I want to explore with charging a higher rate? Do I want to make more money, hmmmm, what will
that take? What would that look like?
What is needed so I feel good and confident?
Once you have inserted the criteria, next step is to
implement the services, sell the new products and compare actual numbers to
projections to confirm you are on target, going way beyond target, or missing
the mark totally.
It's about seeing where you have been (past), where you are
now (current), and projecting out where you want to go (future). Revenue projections is one tool for creating
a solid, organized financial foundation for your business.
And you know what, this is what I do and I want you to as well.
I passionately support YOU the CEO's, entrepreneurs and business owners with
achieving your DREAMS through numbers, in a bottom line kind of way, (pun
intended) this is for the success of your business and for the success of cash
Get on board with playing, exploring and having fun with
creating revenue projections for the dream you hold for your business. I have the tools for you already mapped out and
the 28 years of experience supporting CEO's of privately held companies achieve
their PASSIONATE dreams.
Reach out, connect and say Debbie I want to create my revenue
projections with you to see my dreams come true. You may reach me at
Have a great weekend and I look forward to connecting with
you next week.
Warmly -
Chief Heart
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