Monday, August 4, 2014


The past couple of days I have come across either a book speaking to beliefs or an article or people sharing about the concept of beliefs.
Yesterday, I heard:
"We don't believe what we say we believe, we really live out what we believe." 
How thought provoking, and so true.  What is reflected back to me is what I believe.
Then I read yesterday's daily guide from Science of Mind:
Our beliefs truly do shape our perceptions and our world. We do not get what we think we deserve, but we always get what we believe. If we believe we are entitled to something, we typically create a whole internal narrative to support that idea. If we believe the world is not safe, we will begin to gather evidence to support this theory and then go about building the structures and protection around us to assure our survival.
Or, if we believe we are supported and loved not for any achievement or accomplishment, but because our Divine nature is one of love, creativity and supply, we then make ourselves available for a whole new experience of life. If I accept the premise that I am not alive to compete and battle others, but rather to collaborate and create, I begin to see the world in a whole different light. I start to dismantle my agreements with struggle and open myself to possibility and joyful expectation.
Believing I deserve something without doing the required work to shift my beliefs and behavior to right alignment with that which I desire always creates disappointment. It is always the consciousness beneath the thought that gives it life and form.
To shift any condition in my life, I must start with what I believe about that condition and then engage in the spiritual practices that give birth to newness.  (Excerpt from Science of Mind, August 3rd, 2014)
There is so much opportunity available here to ponder. Ask yourself, what is being reflected back to you that is based on your beliefs?  Is there something showing up that you absolutely appreciate, or don't want?
Search deep inside and spend a few minutes in quiet stillness and ask, how is my belief reflecting back.  Be aware, everything encountered has been created with a conscious or unconscious agreement

You have everything you need readily available to you to appreciate your belief, or to create a new belief, a new perspective.

What belief do you appreciate?
What belief do you want to change?

Enjoy this day, as you believe.

Warmly - Debbie

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our belief is that anything the mind can think, it can unthank.

”The Science of Mind,” page 86